Around the Parish – April 30, 2023
Around the Parish – April 30, 2023
Published on April 29, 2023
Starting Sunday, May 7, we will begin our Summer Mass Schedule. After polling the parish, we overwhelmingly received feedback that the preferred time for Sunday Mass during the Summer months (May-August) should be 8am and 10am. Therefore, starting next Sunday we will have mass at 8am and 10am. Please help us spread the word so that the entire community knows!
As a reminder, adoration will resume in our parish on First Fridays from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Adoration is scheduled for this Friday, May 5.
It’s a Catholic tradition to honor Mary during the month of May by setting up May altars or by crowning her statue with flowers. The reason why we crown Mary is best summed up by Pope Paul VI who wrote that May is an occasion for a “moving tribute of faith and love which Catholics in every part of the world pay to the Queen of Heaven.” The crown symbol is attributed to Mary because she is the Mother of the Son of God, who is our Heavenly King.” Before the 5pm Mass on Saturday Nights, we pray the rosary. Please make an effort to be with us. We will offer our prayers for the sick of the parish, vocations to the priesthood and religious life and for peace and harmony in families and in the world.
Next Saturday, we will gather to clean our church properties from the winter. Many hands will make light work! I appreciate all your help! There are signup sheets at the doors as well as the different tasks that need to be accomplished on Saturday May 6.
On that same day is our plant sale. Any help that you might be able to give for this event as well would be greatly appreciated! Any question can be addressed to Junior Bissett at 724-662-4597. Here’s a quick update from the “plant manager:”
Just a reminder that the first annual plant and garden sale is on for THIS SATURDAY, MAY 6! All plant and garden items need to be dropped off at Gallagher Hall by noon on Friday. Gallagher Hall will be open Thursday all day and Friday morning. If you need to schedule another time before Friday to drop off you items/plants, please call the parish office! Here’s to prayers for a beautiful spring day next Saturday! God Bless!
Here’s a few thoughts for your week: Life is so much easier when we don’t hoard the past. Healing doesn’t mean hurtful things have not happened; it just means that the disappointment no longer controls our life. Accept what is; let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy
The IHM 300 Club will be a special 6 month raffle, and more information about this can be found in today’s bulletin, as well as on our website. Tickets will begin being sold after all the masses. Tickets can also always be purchased through the parish office.
Around the Parish – April 30, 2023
April 29, 2023