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Tag: 300 Club

Around the Parish – January 7, 2024

Happy New Year! As we step into 2024, I pray this message finds you embraced by the promise and possibilities that the new year brings, filled with the grace and blessings of the season.

Eucharistic Ministers for Nursing Home Visits:

I am grateful for those dedicated individuals who currently visit local nursing homes to bring the Eucharist to residents. However, we aspire to enhance this outreach by restarting weekly visits. We need more volunteers to serve as Eucharistic Ministers for these crucial visits. Your willingness to share the gift of communion is a powerful way to bring comfort and joy to those in need. Please contact the parish office for more details if you are interested in joining this vital ministry.

Mass Volunteers – Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors:

A heartfelt thank you to all who contribute their time as Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors during our masses. Your service is invaluable. Yet, the need for more volunteers persists. Don’t hesitate to step forward and offer your talents. Your involvement strengthens our worship experience as a community.

Epiphany Water and Blessing Bags:

Visit the sanctuary by the statue of Saint Joseph this weekend to find Ziplock bags containing chalk and the Epiphany House Blessing prayer. During mass this weekend, I will bless the water and chalk, which you can then use to bless your homes and workplaces. Please take one bag per family and follow the directions provided.

Spring Bible Study Registration:

Our Spring Bible Study awaits, and I encourage you to register by Monday, February 5, 2024. The cost is $20 per person, and your timely registration ensures that all necessary books can be purchased. We benefit from a parish discount, so let’s delve into the Word together.

Vacation Bible School Planning Meeting:

Although it may seem distant, Summer 2024 Vacation Bible School is on the horizon. Join our planning meeting on Wednesday, January 31, at 6 pm. Your input and enthusiasm are crucial to making this experience memorable for our children. Please mark your calendars and attend if you can.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Strength does not come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t. Fear has two meanings: forget everything and run or with God, face everything and rise. The moment you received God’s forgiveness in confession, God forgave you; now do your part and leave the guilt behind.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – December 31, 2023

As we gather together in the warmth of our parish family, I am reminded of the profound beauty and challenge embedded in the concept of the Holy Family. The Holy Family, composed of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, serves as a timeless model for our earthly families. It is a beacon of love, devotion, and resilience, yet it is essential to recognize that even the Holy Family faced their share of trials.

In our human journey, it’s easy to fall into the trap of perceiving the Holy Family as an unattainable ideal, forgetting that they, too, encountered hardships. Mary and Joseph navigated the uncertainties of an unexpected pregnancy, sought refuge in a humble stable, and fled to Egypt to protect their child. Their experiences echo the very challenges many of our families grapple with today. It is through these struggles that the Holy Family becomes a relatable guide for our own earthly journey.

In embracing the reality that no family is perfect, we find solace and inspiration in the Holy Family’s unwavering commitment to each other and to God. Imperfection does not diminish the value of our earthly families; rather, it underscores the need for compassion, forgiveness, and a shared commitment to growth.

As we reflect on the Holy Family, let us remember that their strength lay not in the absence of challenges but in their response to them. Mary’s fiat, Joseph’s trust in divine guidance, and Jesus’ obedient submission to his earthly parents exemplify virtues we can cultivate in our own lives. It is in striving to embody these virtues that we draw closer to the ideal set by the Holy Family.

Our families are a work in progress. As we celebrate our joys and confront our challenges, let us be mindful of the transformative power of love and faith. In recognizing the imperfections within our families, we create space for grace to flourish and for God’s guiding hand to lead us toward greater unity and holiness.

May the Holy Family be a source of inspiration for our families, encouraging us to navigate the complexities of life with faith, love, and a commitment to grow together. In our imperfection, let us find the grace to mirror the divine qualities exemplified by the Holy Family.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – December 25, 2023

A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all! As we rejoice in the Christmas season, let our hearts turn to the profound beauty of the Incarnation – the moment when God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.

Christmas is not merely a commemoration of a historical event; it’s a celebration of God’s intentional choice to be present among us. The manger in Bethlehem becomes the sacred stage where the divine and human intersect.

In the simplicity of the stable, God’s boundless love takes tangible form. The infant Jesus, born in humility, embodies a radical message: God’s desire to be intimately connected with humanity. The Incarnation reveals a God who doesn’t stand at a distance but enters into the very fabric of our existence.

As we exchange gifts and gather with loved ones, may we recognize the ultimate gift – Jesus’ presence in our lives. His birth is a declaration that God is not a distant observer but an active participant in our joys and struggles.

The significance of Christmas lies not just in the festivities but in the transformative power of God dwelling among us. Jesus’ presence brings light to our darkness, hope to our hearts, and salvation to our souls.

This Christmas, let our celebrations echo the profound truth of Emmanuel – God with us. In our interactions, may we mirror the love and compassion demonstrated by Jesus in his earthly journey. As we reflect on the Incarnation, may our lives become a testament to the ongoing miracle of God’s presence in the world.

May the gift of Jesus’ presence inspire us to be present to one another, sharing the love and grace that flow from the manger in Bethlehem. In doing so, our Christmas celebrations become more than rituals; they become a reflection of the eternal significance of God dwelling among His people.

Wishing you a Christmas season filled with the joy and wonder of the Incarnation.           

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – December 24, 2023

As we gather on this fourth Sunday of Advent, a peculiar blend of anticipation fills the air. While it may strike some as unconventional to continue our preparations for Christmas when, according to the calendar, the day itself is imminent, the essence of true Christmas preparation knows no temporal boundaries. Beyond the festive gatherings, the resonating carols that have accompanied us since the ghostly days of October, lies a deeper, enduring call to readiness.

In the spirit of reflection, let us draw wisdom from the whimsical words of the Grinch, who, in his frosty solitude, discovered a profound truth: “Every Who down in Who-ville, the tall and the small, was singing! Without any presents at all! He HADN’T stopped Christmas from coming! IT CAME! Somehow or other, it came just the same!”

This seemingly childlike verse prompts us to ponder the core of Christmas. The Grinch, with his heart two sizes too small, unraveled a timeless message—Christmas transcends material trappings. “What if Christmas,” he mused, “doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

As our preparations for the festive season reach their culmination, let us acknowledge that our preparations for Eternal Life never cease. Christmas is a poignant reminder that God, in His infinite love, prepared a path for us to attain eternal salvation. The King of the Universe, cloaked in the humility of a newborn, ventured into our world, vulnerable and innocent, to eventually sacrifice Himself for our redemption.

Our earthly preparations for the advent of the King may conclude with Christmas celebrations, but our quest for eternal life persists until our final breath. The message of Christmas resounds clear: continue to prepare your hearts for the King. In moments of jubilation or sorrow, our ongoing preparations for eternal life define the true essence of this season.

As we traverse these final moments of Advent, may joy and peace envelop us. Let the echoes of the Grinch’s revelation guide us, reminding us that the profound meaning of Christmas extends beyond packages, boxes, or bags. It beckons us to prepare our hearts for a celebration that transcends time—a celebration of eternal life ushered in by the birth of our Savior.           

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – December 17, 2023

As Christmas falls on a Monday this year, our Advent season is unusually brief. In just one week, we’ll immerse ourselves in the joyful hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations. While many of you may have already adorned your homes with festive decor, as a church family, we will come together to beautifully decorate the church in anticipation of the holiday.

The unique timing of Christmas on a Monday adds an intriguing element to our planning. It’s important to note that fulfilling our obligations requires attending Mass for both the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the Christmas celebration. For example, if you’re inclined to attend two vigil masses, consider joining us on Saturday, December 23, for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and then returning in the evening on Sunday, December 24, for the Christmas celebration. Alternatively, you can opt for a morning mass on Sunday, December 24, for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, followed by the 9 am service on Christmas Day. A third option is to attend the Sunday morning mass for the Fourth Sunday of Advent and the Sunday evening mass for Christmas. I understand, it’s a lot to keep track of – in many ways, it’s simpler for me! I’ll be present at all the masses and look forward to sharing the joy of the season with each of you.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: If you rearrange the letters in depression, you’ll get
‘I pressed on’ – meaning your current situation is not your final destination. Remember: just like a bow and arrow, when life pulls you back, it’s just preparing to launch you into something great.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – December 10, 2023

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here – today is the BIG day! Join us for the much-anticipated annual Cookie Walk and Soup Sale, 9 am to 12:30 pm. The excitement doesn’t stop there unfolding right after the 11 am mass – we’ll be revealing the lucky winners of the Lottery Trees and the five fabulous prizes for the 300 Club.

But wait, there’s more! As you indulge in the delights of the cookie walk and soup sale, seize the opportunity to secure your tickets for next year’s 300 Club. Your luck awaits – reserve your special number today!

A heartfelt thank you echoes to all the incredible bakers and soup makers who dedicated their time and talents for today’s sale. I can’t help but express my admiration – our parish is truly home to the best bakers in the diocese. To our generous community, thank you once again for making our events extraordinary.

As we revel in the joy of today’s festivities, let’s not forget the upcoming deanery penance services. This Sunday, Beloved Disciple Parish’s penance service starts at 2:00 p.m., followed by our own at 5:00 p.m. Embrace the spirit of Advent by participating in the sacrament of reconciliation, preparing your heart for the joyous celebration of Christmas. Don’t miss this chance for spiritual renewal and reflection.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: If we don’t teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to. Prayer is asking God to align you with His will, rather than asking Him to be aligned with yours.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – December 3, 2023

Thank you to everyone who donated for the #iGiveCatholic campaign. I hope to include to totals received in the coming weeks. At the time of writing this bulletin, we do not have the total count of all monies received. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and support!

This Friday is a Holy Day of Obligation as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this Holy Day of Obligation, our mass schedule is 8:00am and 6:00pm. Following the 6:00pm mass, we will have a holy hour of Eucharistic Adoration and confessions available.

Next Sunday is the Cookie Walk and Soup Sale. If you have cookies or soup to drop off, we ask that you drop them off Friday, 8 am to 6 pm or Saturday, 9 am to 12 noon. Thank you all again for your amazing baking and cooking skills. Our parish most definitely has the best bakers in the entire diocese!

Also next Sunday at the conclusion of the 11:00am mass, we will have our drawings for the lottery trees and our grand prizes for the 300 club. Winner need not be present for the lottery trees, and the winners of the grand prizes will receive their check in the mail later that week. Best of luck to everyone!

The Deanery Advent Penance services begin next Sunday with a penance service at Beloved Disciple at 2:00pm and our parish penance service at 5:00pm. Please make sure to avail yourself of the Sacrament of Reconciliation sometime this Advent. Adoration and Confessions will be offered every Friday during Advent from 6-7pm with the exception of this Friday as mentioned above.

In this weekend’s bulletin you can find the listing of masses for the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas. Being that Christmas is on a Monday, to fulfill the Sunday Obligation and Christmas Obligation, one must attend Mass for Sunday by either going to Mass Saturday night or Sunday Morning, and one must attend Mass for Christmas by either going Sunday night or Monday morning. Sunday morning mass on December 24 does not count for Christmas, and going on Christmas Eve does not count for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is a very brave thing to do – even if you stumble a little on your way out the door. Don’t compare your progress with that of others. Everyone needs their own time and speed to travel their own distance. Each day comes bearing gifts. Untie the ribbon.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – July 23, 2023

Calling all Young Adults of the Mercer Deanery! Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish will be hosting a cook-out for all young adults (ages 21-39[ish]) on this Friday, July 28, 2023 beginning at 6pm! We will provide hamburgers and hotdogs, we ask that you bring a dish to share. To RSVP your spot, please contact the parish office ASAP either by emailing or calling (724) 662-2999. RSVPs need to be in by Wednesday this week!

Our Annual Saint Hermenegild Mass and Picnic is scheduled for Thursday, August 10, 2023. Mass will begin at 6pm and the picnic will be after mass outside church. All are asked to bring a dish to share, and a chair to sit on!

On this Thursday, July 27, 2023, we will have a special mass at 7pm in church dedicated to Saint Philomena and asking for her intercession for healing both in body and spirit for our parish and the community. All are encouraged to attend. We will have a relic of Saint Philomena and blessings with the oil of Saint Philomena. Please share this opportunity for prayer and healing throughout our community and in all of Mercer County and our Diocese!

Last weekend, we tested our new live stream camera. We noticed that there are issues with image brightness as well as audio. We plan on continuing to correct this issue, but it will take some extra physical work on our part. In last week’s bulletin, I mentioned that we will need to upgrade parts of our sound system, as parts are from the early 1990’s and are needing replaced. (It might feel like 1990 was just yesterday, but it’s actually 33 years ago!) We do not have any firm plans yet, but we are working on getting the best possible options available for our church. The lighting issue is something we continue to address. Some of the light bulbs in the arch of the sanctuary are burnt out, and are not pointed at the correct places. This causes our high altar and tabernacle to be darker than expected in video. We need to replace some lightbulbs and point the other lightbulbs at their correct location. This will require a lift to reach the lights. In the coming weeks, we plan on renting a lift to reach these lights so as to address these issues.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – July 16, 2023

Calling all Young Adults of the Mercer Deanery! Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish will be hosting a cook-out for all young adults (ages 21-39[ish]) on Friday, July 28, 2023 beginning at 6pm! We will provide hamburgers and hotdogs, we ask that you bring a dish to share. To RSVP your spot, please contact the parish office ASAP either by emailing or calling (724) 662-2999.

In just about a month, we will have our Annual Saint Hermenegild Mass and Picnic on Thursday, August 10. Mass will begin at 6pm. All are asked to bring a dish to share, and a chair to sit on!

On Thursday, July 27, 2023, we will have a special mass at 7pm in church dedicated to Saint Philomena and asking for her intercession for healing both in body and spirit for our parish and the community. All are encouraged to attend. We will have a relic of Saint Philomena and blessings with the oil of Saint Philomena. More information can be found in this weekend’s bulletin. Please share this opportunity for prayer and healing throughout our community and in all of Mercer County and our Diocese!

A few weeks ago, I noted in the bulletin that the camera we had for livestreaming was broken and out of warranty. I noted that it would cost about $2,000 to replace the camera. Thanks to some gracious parishioners, we have been able to replace the camera and begin livestreaming our Sunday Masses again. We would like to update our sound system as it is on its last leg, and often has problems with interference. We have already replaced the wireless microphone, and a microphone was placed on the altar, but our mixer needs replaced and upgraded, and the speaker and amplifier for the Mother’s Chapel needs replaced. At the moment, we don’t have any quotes or ideas on cost, but we do know that we do not have the funds for that in the immediate future. All these great things for our community would not be possible without your continued support, both financially as well as most importantly, spiritually. Thank you all for your continued prayers as we work together to uplift and upgrade the experience here at IHM.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: Let’s not forget that anger and bitterness rob us of our peace, not the peace of those who’ve hurt us. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – July 9, 2023

Nearly two months ago, the Holy Father Pope Francis announced that Monsignor Edward Lohse, Vicar General of the Diocese of Erie, was appointed as Bishop of the Diocese of Kalamazoo, MI. I have known Monsignor Lohse, now Bishop-Elect Lohse, since I applied to seminary, and then most recently I lived with Bishop-Elect when I was assigned to Saint George Parish in Erie. All of the priests and deacons of the Diocese of Erie have been invited to attend his ordination as Bishop in Kalamazoo on July 25. Father Joe Petrone and I will be traveling to Kalamazoo, and Father Ray Gramatta has graciously agreed to cover me for masses on July 25 and 26. I look forward to being at the Bishop-Elect’s ordination so as to say thank you for his service to our diocese and to me, and Ad Multos Annos (for many more years) and congratulations.

Registration is still open for our VBS which is scheduled for July 17-21 from 5:30pm to 8pm. NEXT WEEK IS THE BIG WEEK!! This awesome opportunity is open to all students from pre-k through eighth grade! There is NO COST for any family to participate, and is open to all! You need not be a member of IHM! All peoples are welcome. Please register as soon as possible to make sure to save your child a spot! Registration can be done online on our website or via paper registration form! More information can be found at

On Thursday, July 27, 2023, we will have a special mass at 7pm in church dedicated to Saint Philomena and asking for her intercession for healing both in body and spirit for our parish and the community. All are encouraged to attend. We will have a relic of Saint Philomena and blessings with the oil of Saint Philomena. More information can be found in this weekend’s bulletin.

This weekend, we welcome Father Aby Abraham, IMS, a priest of the Indian Missionary Society. He is here for the annual Missionary Co-op appeal. Please help me welcome Father Aby and make him feel at home here at IHM.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: Failure is a detour, not a dead end street. Never let fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is our empowering Catholic Faith that motivates us to continue to press ahead in spite of the odds.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy