Parish Life at Immaculate Heart
Spiritual & Liturgical Ministries
At Mass
- LECTORS proclaim the Word of God at Sunday and daily Mass
- CANTORS lead the congregation in the chanting of the mass parts and leading the hymns
- EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS serve as Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist at weekend and Holy Day Masses and special occasions
- ALTAR SERVERS fourth grade and older are welcome to participate in this special ministry
- MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY (Ushers and Greeters) welcome worshipers and collect the offertory at Mass.
Sacramental Preparation
- RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/YOUTH MINISTRY/EDGE includes bi-weekly education and activities throughout the school year including preparation for First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. Once a month the Immaculate Heart hosts Family Days on a Sunday where we gather as a parish family to learn together and discuss the faith.
- RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) welcomes Catechumens and Candidates interested in full participation in the Catholic Faith. Please contact the office for more information.
- PRE-CANA is offered yearly to members of the Erie Diocese preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage
Within our parish community, we offer many different opportunities for prayer. Before our 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass, we offer the recitation of the Rosary.
On First Friday our parish has the opportunity to participate in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity. Please check the bulletin for our updated schedule for any changes.
Adult Faith Formation
Continued learning about our faith is an important part of our role as church. Faith formation opportunities are offered in the Fall and during Lent on a variety of topics designed to enhance the faith experience and understanding of adult Catholics. The format is Lecture/ video experience and often small group interaction.
Homebound & Nursing Home
Immaculate Heart offers weekly visits by Eucharistic Ministers. Our clergy will visit by appointment.
Eucharistic Ministers visit our local nursing homes on a weekly basis:
- Quality Life Services on Wednesdays at 10:00 am
- Avalon Springs on Fridays at 10:00 am
- The Lakes at Jefferson on Sundays following our last weekend mass
If there is an emergency, please call the parish office immediately.
If you are interested in assisting in this important ministry, please contact the parish office as soon as possible. We are always in need of more Eucharistic Ministers to assist in bringing Holy Communion to our local nursing homes.
Other opportunities are available, please contact the parish office to schedule an appointment.
Social & Outreach Ministries
Sharing Shed
Our Sharing Shed provides food and other essential items to our local community. The Sharing Shed is available on the Second and Fourth Saturdays of the month from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
This outreach ministry of our parish is an extremely important ministry so that we can continue to share the Good News with those who are less fortunate, to share what God has blessed us with so that others can proclaim His Good News too.
Parish Pastoral Council
Our Parish Pastoral Council is a representative group of the parish that comes together to help the pastor discern the direction of the parish. This body of members of the parish are appointed by the pastor to give counsel to the pastor, while the pastor remains the party to guide our parish community.
Our Parish Pastoral Council are the members of our parish community that are the leaders of the parish, working toward greater involvement for all members through their time, talents, and treasures.
If you are interested in helping serve our parish community as part of this council, please contact the pastor at your earliest convenience.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.
A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
A.A. meets Tuesdays at 7:30 PM and Wednesdays at 8:00 PM in Gallagher Hall, the Parish Social Hall located under our church.
Fraternal Organizations
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic men’s organization with approximately two million members dedicated to serving the Catholic Church.
Monthly meetings are held throughout the year to discuss business, distribute funding and facilitate fellowship among the Brother Knights.