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Around the Parish – December 22, 2024

As we approach Christmas, I find it important to remind myself—and all of you—that we are still in the holy season of Advent. While the world around us seems fully immersed in Christmas, with decorations, music, and celebrations, Advent invites us to pause, reflect, and prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. There is still time to embrace this preparation, which is a comforting thought. Just as there is still time in these final days before Christmas, there is always time in our lives to return to Jesus, to allow His grace to work within us, and to open our hearts to conversion. My prayer for each of you is that these last few moments of Advent bring peace into your hearts and homes.

As we prepare for the joyful celebration of Christmas, I want to share our Mass schedule. On Christmas Eve, Mass will be celebrated at 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM, with beautiful Christmas music offered by our Music Ministry beginning 20 minutes before each Mass. On Christmas Day, we will celebrate Mass at 9:00 AM. I encourage you to arrive early and join in the music—it’s a wonderful way to prepare spiritually for the liturgy and to immerse yourself in the joy of Christ’s birth.

After the busyness of the Christmas celebrations, I will take a day to spend time with my family, so there will be no daily Mass on December 26. I appreciate your understanding as I enjoy this special time with loved ones.

This weekend, our parish has the honor of opening the Jubilee Year of Hope in a special way. The Vatican and our Diocese have invited every parish to mark the beginning of this Holy Year with a meaningful celebration. As we journey together throughout this Jubilee, I encourage you to visit our parish website,, for updates and resources to help us deepen our faith and grow in hope during this extraordinary time of grace.

Finally, a reminder that Wednesday, January 1, is a Holy Day of Obligation as we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. We will have two Masses for this feast: a Vigil Mass on December 31 at 6:00 PM and Mass on January 1 at 9:00 AM. Let us begin the New Year by placing ourselves under Mary’s loving care and seeking her intercession for peace in our hearts and in the world.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Focus on your potential, not your limitations. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for someone is to just listen. Never allow yourself to be a prisoner to the things you can’t change; rather, focus on what you can control: your love, your patience, your mercy with others. To make a difference, you don’t have to be rich, you simply have to care.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The Power and Tradition of Mass Intentions

The Mass is considered the greatest prayer of intercession in the Church. This is because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father, making present the Paschal Mystery of His death and resurrection. Traditionally, a Priest may be requested to offer a Mass for a specific intention, even if the requester cannot be physically present.

Offering Masses for the Deceased:

Having a Mass offered for a deceased person is an ancient and commendable practice. A Mass is offered to pray for the departed, that they may find peace in heaven. Since each Mass holds infinite value, requesting one or several Masses is of tremendous benefit to the person prayed for, as well as their family, who can take comfort in knowing that their intention is united with the prayers of the Church.

The Mass: Center of Christian Life:

Every Mass is a precious gift from God. It is the center of the Church’s life, known as “the source and summit of the Christian life,” because in the celebration of the Mass, we are brought back to Jesus’ Last Supper, the first Mass. We consciously recall the love of God poured out for us through the life, death, and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. At each Mass, all the intentions of God’s people, both living and deceased, are included. As Pope Paul VI noted in his motu proprio “Firma in Traditione,” the faithful, moved by an ecclesial and religious sense, join their own sacrifices to the Eucharistic sacrifice, participating more intensely and supporting the Church’s needs, especially its ministers.

Requesting a Mass Intention:

Anyone may request a Mass Intention for a living person, a deceased person, members of a family, or a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist, such as World Peace, Vocations, or Respect for Life. The Church allows only one intention per Mass.

Offering a Mass Stipend:

The normal stipend offering for a Mass is $10. However, a Mass Offering can be more or less than the suggested amount, depending on the financial position of the person requesting the Mass. Envelopes for Mass intention requests are available at the entrances of the church. These envelopes can be placed in the collection basket or returned to the parish office. The requester may also ask for a card to be sent to notify someone that a Mass Intention has been requested (one card per intention). Please note that the name of the person(s) requesting the Mass is not announced.

Around the Parish – December 15, 2024

This Third Sunday of Advent, often called Gaudete Sunday, invites us to rejoice as the celebration of Christmas draws near. To help prepare our hearts, I encourage you to take advantage of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our Parish Penance Service is today at 5 PM, and earlier this afternoon at 2 PM, a Penance Service will also be held at Beloved Disciple. If it’s been a while since your last confession or if you’re unsure where to begin, a helpful guide to going to confession and an examination of conscience can be found in this weekend’s bulletin. Please make every effort to attend one of these services and embrace the grace and mercy of this beautiful sacrament before Christmas.

I also want to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported our Nursing Home Gift Tree. Your generosity is truly appreciated, but we still have 18 gifts unaccounted for. If you have one of the remaining tags, please return the gift immediately. If for any reason you are unable to purchase the gift, I ask that you bring the tag back as soon as possible so we can ensure every resident receives a gift. Your help in completing this project is a true blessing and means so much to those we serve.

As we continue our Advent preparations, I’d like to remind you that Oplatki Christmas Wafers are available by the St. Joseph statue. This beautiful tradition invites families to share Christ’s love during their Christmas meal. The suggested donation is $4 per pack of four wafers, and they are available while supplies last.

Looking ahead, our parish office will be closed for the Christmas season beginning Friday, December 20, and will reopen for in-person business on Tuesday, January 7. During this time, we will continue to monitor phone messages and emails, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s something you need. Thank you for your understanding as we take time to celebrate this joyful season with our families.

Our Christmas Mass Schedule is as follows: Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24, Masses will be at 5 PM and 9 PM. On Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25, we will celebrate one Mass at 9 AM. Please make plans to join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. Additionally, as we approach the new year, I want to remind you that Wednesday, January 1, is a Holy Day of Obligation—the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. We will celebrate Mass on Tuesday, December 31, at 6 PM and Wednesday, January 1, at 9 AM. What better way to begin the new year than by celebrating this special feast day and honoring our Blessed Mother?

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or you take them with gratitude. Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. One of the most sincere forms of respect is listening to what another person has to say. Life becomes so much easier when you “accept” an apology that you never got.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The Power and Tradition of Mass Intentions

The Mass is considered the greatest prayer of intercession in the Church. This is because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father, making present the Paschal Mystery of His death and resurrection. Traditionally, a Priest may be requested to offer a Mass for a specific intention, even if the requester cannot be physically present.

Offering Masses for the Deceased:

Having a Mass offered for a deceased person is an ancient and commendable practice. A Mass is offered to pray for the departed, that they may find peace in heaven. Since each Mass holds infinite value, requesting one or several Masses is of tremendous benefit to the person prayed for, as well as their family, who can take comfort in knowing that their intention is united with the prayers of the Church.

The Mass: Center of Christian Life:

Every Mass is a precious gift from God. It is the center of the Church’s life, known as “the source and summit of the Christian life,” because in the celebration of the Mass, we are brought back to Jesus’ Last Supper, the first Mass. We consciously recall the love of God poured out for us through the life, death, and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. At each Mass, all the intentions of God’s people, both living and deceased, are included. As Pope Paul VI noted in his motu proprio “Firma in Traditione,” the faithful, moved by an ecclesial and religious sense, join their own sacrifices to the Eucharistic sacrifice, participating more intensely and supporting the Church’s needs, especially its ministers.

Requesting a Mass Intention:

Anyone may request a Mass Intention for a living person, a deceased person, members of a family, or a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist, such as World Peace, Vocations, or Respect for Life. The Church allows only one intention per Mass.

Offering a Mass Stipend:

The normal stipend offering for a Mass is $10. However, a Mass Offering can be more or less than the suggested amount, depending on the financial position of the person requesting the Mass. Envelopes for Mass intention requests are available at the entrances of the church. These envelopes can be placed in the collection basket or returned to the parish office. The requester may also ask for a card to be sent to notify someone that a Mass Intention has been requested (one card per intention). Please note that the name of the person(s) requesting the Mass is not announced.

Around the Parish – August 25, 2024

Thank you to all who have signed up to volunteer for the Spaghetti Dinner. A Spaghetti Dinner Planning Meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, August 29, at 6pm in the Parish Conference Room. Please plan on attending if you are able to help us with the planning process. If you haven’t signed up to help yet, it’s not too late! We will need help with the event, so please consider signing up!

Next Weekend, August 31 & September 1, we will be hosting a ministry fair with refreshments in Gallagher Hall. This is an opportunity to see what sorts of ministries we have available in our church and consider participating in some of the great ways we work together as a church family.

Next Sunday, our Sunday Mass Schedule will return to 8am and 11am. Please mark your calendar!

It may seem like a long time off, but already we are thinking about #iGiveCatholic! This year for #iGiveCatholic, we will be bringing some much needed improvements to Gallagher Hall. In a few short weeks, new windows and a new stage curtain will be installed in Gallagher Hall. To cover the costs of these updates, we will be utilizing #iGiveCatholic campaign. Any donation toward these updates will have plaques made in memory of, donated by, or in thanksgiving for and will be put either on/by the windows, or a plaque for the stage curtain by the curtain itself. More information is available on our website, and will become available in the coming weeks.

Although no one wants to think about it, winter is just around the corner…not one of my favorite thoughts…BUT, with winter coming, we are AGAIN in need of some help with the white stuff that comes with winter. We are in need of someone to shovel the sidewalks of church. If you are able and willing to assist us with this task, please contact the parish office as soon as possible! This IS a paying position!

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Optimism won’t change the situation; but optimism will change how the situation feels. By doing what you love, you awake and inspire the hearts of others. You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The Power and Tradition of Mass Intentions

The Mass is considered the greatest prayer of intercession in the Church. This is because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father, making present the Paschal Mystery of His death and resurrection. Traditionally, a Priest may be requested to offer a Mass for a specific intention, even if the requester cannot be physically present.

Offering Masses for the Deceased:

Having a Mass offered for a deceased person is an ancient and commendable practice. A Mass is offered to pray for the departed, that they may find peace in heaven. Since each Mass holds infinite value, requesting one or several Masses is of tremendous benefit to the person prayed for, as well as their family, who can take comfort in knowing that their intention is united with the prayers of the Church.

The Mass: Center of Christian Life:

Every Mass is a precious gift from God. It is the center of the Church’s life, known as “the source and summit of the Christian life,” because in the celebration of the Mass, we are brought back to Jesus’ Last Supper, the first Mass. We consciously recall the love of God poured out for us through the life, death, and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. At each Mass, all the intentions of God’s people, both living and deceased, are included. As Pope Paul VI noted in his motu proprio “Firma in Traditione,” the faithful, moved by an ecclesial and religious sense, join their own sacrifices to the Eucharistic sacrifice, participating more intensely and supporting the Church’s needs, especially its ministers.

Requesting a Mass Intention:

Anyone may request a Mass Intention for a living person, a deceased person, members of a family, or a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist, such as World Peace, Vocations, or Respect for Life. The Church allows only one intention per Mass.

Offering a Mass Stipend:

The normal stipend offering for a Mass is $10. However, a Mass Offering can be more or less than the suggested amount, depending on the financial position of the person requesting the Mass. Envelopes for Mass intention requests are available at the entrances of the church. These envelopes can be placed in the collection basket or returned to the parish office. The requester may also ask for a card to be sent to notify someone that a Mass Intention has been requested (one card per intention). Please note that the name of the person(s) requesting the Mass is not announced.

Around the Parish – August 18, 2024

This Monday and Tuesday, August 19-20, our upper parking lot will undergo milling and resurfacing. As a result, the blacktop will be completely off-limits for the entire week. Please refrain from parking or walking on the lot during this time. If you need to contact the office, kindly do so via phone or email throughout the week. We anticipate reopening the parking lot in time for the weekend Masses, pending the final approval. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Sweet on their 60 wedding anniversary and Mr. & Mrs. Sajewski on their 40 wedding anniversary. They participated in the special Diocesan Wedding Anniversary mass at Beloved Disciple Church.

Next weekend, I will be away for my cousin’s wedding in Buffalo. Father Ray will be with us next weekend for all the masses. Please make him feel welcome!

As I mentioned last weekend at all the masses, we are considering holding a spaghetti dinner on Sunday, October 27. To be able to have this dinner, we will need committed volunteers, especially with the events of the day. Once we collect all the data for volunteers, we will make a determination if we can go forward, and then we will schedule a meeting to make plans. Please consider signing up to help by either signing up at the entrances of church, or by contacting the office as soon as possible.

On Saturday and Sunday, August 31 & September 1, we will be hosting a ministry fair with refreshments in Gallagher Hall. This is an opportunity to see what sorts of ministries we have available in our church and consider participating in some of the great ways we work together as a church family. More information will be shared over the coming weeks, so look for updates soon!

With the school year on the horizon, our Sunday Mass Schedule will return to 8am and 11am on Sunday September 1. Please mark your calendar!

In this weekend’s bulletin is the Faith Formation Schedule for the year. Please make note of the Family Faith Formation days where the whole parish is invited to participate. I hope to see you there.

Although no one wants to think about it, winter is just around the corner…not one of my favorite thoughts…BUT, with winter coming, we are AGAIN in need of some help with the white stuff that comes with winter. We are in need of someone to shovel the sidewalks of church. If you are able and willing to assist us with this task, please contact the parish office as soon as possible! This IS a paying position!

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends. If you want to fly, give God everything that weighs your heart down.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The Power and Tradition of Mass Intentions

The Mass is considered the greatest prayer of intercession in the Church. This is because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father, making present the Paschal Mystery of His death and resurrection. Traditionally, a Priest may be requested to offer a Mass for a specific intention, even if the requester cannot be physically present.

Offering Masses for the Deceased:

Having a Mass offered for a deceased person is an ancient and commendable practice. A Mass is offered to pray for the departed, that they may find peace in heaven. Since each Mass holds infinite value, requesting one or several Masses is of tremendous benefit to the person prayed for, as well as their family, who can take comfort in knowing that their intention is united with the prayers of the Church.

The Mass: Center of Christian Life:

Every Mass is a precious gift from God. It is the center of the Church’s life, known as “the source and summit of the Christian life,” because in the celebration of the Mass, we are brought back to Jesus’ Last Supper, the first Mass. We consciously recall the love of God poured out for us through the life, death, and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. At each Mass, all the intentions of God’s people, both living and deceased, are included. As Pope Paul VI noted in his motu proprio “Firma in Traditione,” the faithful, moved by an ecclesial and religious sense, join their own sacrifices to the Eucharistic sacrifice, participating more intensely and supporting the Church’s needs, especially its ministers.

Requesting a Mass Intention:

Anyone may request a Mass Intention for a living person, a deceased person, members of a family, or a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist, such as World Peace, Vocations, or Respect for Life. The Church allows only one intention per Mass.

Offering a Mass Stipend:

The normal stipend offering for a Mass is $10. However, a Mass Offering can be more or less than the suggested amount, depending on the financial position of the person requesting the Mass. Envelopes for Mass intention requests are available at the entrances of the church. These envelopes can be placed in the collection basket or returned to the parish office. The requester may also ask for a card to be sent to notify someone that a Mass Intention has been requested (one card per intention). Please note that the name of the person(s) requesting the Mass is not announced.

Around the Parish – August 11, 2024

This week, I will be in Erie for a few days of rest and work at moms house, and therefore there will be no daily mass here at Immaculate Heart on Monday-Wednesday morning. While at home in Erie, I will be participating in Saint James Parish 40 Hours celebration. Saint James in my home parish in Erie, and so Father McCormick and Deacon Scanga invited me to join them as the parish celebrates the Eucharist. If you wish to join, more information can be found on the parish website of Saint James,

Noted in this weekend’s bulletin is that we have as a parish community pledged over our assessed amount for the Catholic Services Appeal. Any monies raised over the assessed amount remain in our parish to cover the costs of different projects. Our project that the funds were to go toward this year was the repairs of the window wells and outside stairwell at the office building. As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support and generosity. Through your diligence in prayer and support, we will get to be known throughout the diocese as the gem that everyone is envious of!

This Thursday, August 15 is a Holy Day of Obligation for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Masses at Immaculate Heart of Mary will be at 8am and 6pm.

On Saturday and Sunday, August 31 & September 1, we will be hosting a ministry fair with refreshments in Gallagher Hall. This is an opportunity to see what sorts of ministries we have available in our church and consider participating in some of the great ways we work together as a church family. More information will be shared over the coming weeks, so look for updates soon!

With the school year on the horizon, our Sunday Mass Schedule will return to 8am and 11am on Sunday September 1. Please mark your calendar!

Please continue to pray and consider a donation for the parking lot resurfacing. We need to have the lot finished before winter, as it is a detriment to our community. Thank you for your continued support toward the normal maintenance of our church!

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

We can’t cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to power through them and share joy. The miracle is not that I finished, it is that I had the courage to start. Our lives are so much brighter when we focus on who and what truly matters. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The Power and Tradition of Mass Intentions

The Mass is considered the greatest prayer of intercession in the Church. This is because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father, making present the Paschal Mystery of His death and resurrection. Traditionally, a Priest may be requested to offer a Mass for a specific intention, even if the requester cannot be physically present.

Offering Masses for the Deceased:

Having a Mass offered for a deceased person is an ancient and commendable practice. A Mass is offered to pray for the departed, that they may find peace in heaven. Since each Mass holds infinite value, requesting one or several Masses is of tremendous benefit to the person prayed for, as well as their family, who can take comfort in knowing that their intention is united with the prayers of the Church.

The Mass: Center of Christian Life:

Every Mass is a precious gift from God. It is the center of the Church’s life, known as “the source and summit of the Christian life,” because in the celebration of the Mass, we are brought back to Jesus’ Last Supper, the first Mass. We consciously recall the love of God poured out for us through the life, death, and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. At each Mass, all the intentions of God’s people, both living and deceased, are included. As Pope Paul VI noted in his motu proprio “Firma in Traditione,” the faithful, moved by an ecclesial and religious sense, join their own sacrifices to the Eucharistic sacrifice, participating more intensely and supporting the Church’s needs, especially its ministers.

Requesting a Mass Intention:

Anyone may request a Mass Intention for a living person, a deceased person, members of a family, or a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist, such as World Peace, Vocations, or Respect for Life. The Church allows only one intention per Mass.

Offering a Mass Stipend:

The normal stipend offering for a Mass is $10. However, a Mass Offering can be more or less than the suggested amount, depending on the financial position of the person requesting the Mass. Envelopes for Mass intention requests are available at the entrances of the church. These envelopes can be placed in the collection basket or returned to the parish office. The requester may also ask for a card to be sent to notify someone that a Mass Intention has been requested (one card per intention). Please note that the name of the person(s) requesting the Mass is not announced.

Around the Parish – April 28, 2024

This weekend is our last Faith Formation session for the 2023-24 school year. I want to thank all of our volunteers and teachers. Without their continued dedication and support, we would not be able to continue Faith Formation in our parish. Please thank them with me! This year, we were graced with the presence of Jonelle Haynie, Nelly Sosa, Matt & Hannah Hazi, Amy Oehlbeck, Linda Oliver, Rachael DeFiore, Katelyn Gable, Cindy Wilpula, and Greg Cummings.

Next Saturday, May 4, is Blooms & Bargains Bazaar. We need volunteers to help setup & organize items on Thurs., May 2 & Fri., May 3 at 10 AM & Sale Day Sat., May 4. Sign up sheets are at the church entrances .

NEXT Sunday, May 5, our Sunday Mass schedule is set to return to 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Don’t forget, and share with our family that join us for the summer months.

Consider joining us on Saturday mornings the next few weeks for coffee and conversation as we journey through preparation for Marian Consecration. This special form of prayer is a practice where individuals dedicate themselves entirely to Mary, the mother of Jesus. This consecration involves a period of preparation, typically lasting 33 days, during which participants engage in prayer, reflection, and study. The consecration culminates on a Marian feast day, in particular the celebration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, patronal feast day of our parish, when individuals make a formal act of consecration, entrusting themselves entirely to Mary’s care and intercession. This practice is rooted in the belief that Mary is a powerful intercessor and mediator with her Son, Jesus, and that by consecrating oneself to her, individuals can grow closer to Christ and deepen their faith. Sign up forms are located at the doors of church.

In our bulletin this week, there are two advertisements for things coming up this summer. Please make sure to mark your calendars now for our Forty Hours celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Sunday June 9, Monday June 10, and Tuesday June 11. Newly ordained Deacon Michael Scanga, transitional deacon for the Diocese of Erie will be with us to preach on the Eucharist.

In July, we will be hosting Vacation Bible School on Mon. July 8 through Fri. July 12. More information is available on our website. Registration will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

We need to learn how to select our thoughts and attitudes the same way that we select our clothes each morning. You know you are in love when you cannot fall asleep because the reality is better than your dreams. When you’ve done something wrong, admit it. No one ever chocked to death by swallowing his/her pride.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – April 21, 2024

This Monday, our Confirmation Candidates will receive the sacrament at Saint Michael Church in Greenville. I want to thank Cindy Wilpula and Katie Gable for their continued dedication to our Confirmation students. Through their yes to serve our students, we are guaranteed that great love and care has been showered down upon our community. Please continue to pray for our young people, especially our freshmen and sophomores as they receive this special sacrament.

Make sure to join the Knights of Columbus today at the Pancake Breakfast in Gallagher Hall from after the 8:00am mass until 1:00pm. Please come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast. All proceeds benefit our parish. I thank my brother knights for their continued support of our parish.

Next Saturday, April 27, we will have a parish spring cleanup day. Many hands will make light work, so any help that you might be able to give on that day will be greatly appreciated. We will begin at 9:00 am and spend the morning around the parish campus to clean up our grounds. There are lists at the doors of church listing the different things we are looking to accomplish as we clean up our church grounds.

On Saturday, May 4, we have our Blooms and Bargains Bazaar. All donations can be dropped off at Gallagher Hall, but please contact the parish office to schedule a drop off time. The parish is unable to provide pickup of items.

In a few weeks on Sunday, May 5, our Sunday Mass schedule is set to return to 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Don’t forget, and share with our family that join us for the summer months.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

If our parish were a boat, it would be a canoe that makes no progress unless everyone paddles together and in the same direction. Family is family, whether it’s the one you start out with or the family you gain along the way. The same is true about a parish family. Sticking with your family is what makes it a family.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – April 14, 2024

I want to express my most sincere gratitude for everyone who has booth pledged and supported the Catholic Services Appeal. As you know, our parish assessment for this year is $49,845. This tithe from our parish to the diocese permits the Churches of Erie Diocese to continue to fulfill the Lord’s Command: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.” (Mt 28:19) Every dollar collected over our assessment will remain in our parish. The monies that will remain in our parish will be used to repair the deteriorating window wells of the basement at the Office Building. Please do prayerfully consider supporting this obligation.

On this Monday, April 15 at 6:00pm, there will be a Blooms and Bargains Bazaar Meeting in the Parish Conference Room. Anyone that is able and interested in helping is asked to attend this meeting.

On this Tuesday, April 16 at 6:30pm, we will have our next VBS planning meeting. All who are interested in helping with our VBS in July are asked to attend.

Next Sunday, April 21, the Mercer Knights of Columbus will be hosting their Pancake Breakfast in Gallagher Hall from after the 8:00am mass until 1:00pm. Please come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast. All proceeds benefit our parish. I thank my brother knights for their continued support of our parish.

On Saturday, April 27, we will have a parish spring cleanup day. Many hands will make light work, so any help that you might be able to give on that day will be greatly appreciated. We will begin at 9:00 am and spend the morning around the parish campus to clean up our grounds.

On Saturday, May 4, we have our Blooms and Bargains Bazaar. All donations can be dropped off at Gallagher Hall, but please contact the parish office to schedule a drop off time. The parish is unable to provide pickup of items.

In just four weeks on Sunday, May 5, our Sunday Mass schedule is set to return to 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Don’t forget, and share with our family that join us for the summer months.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Your day will generally go the way the corners of your mouth turn. Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears. The rosary is a chain that links heaven and earth. One end of it is in your hand; the other in the hand of our Blessed Mother.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – April 7, 2024

Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. In celebration of this special conclusion of the Octave of Easter, we will have Adoration and the Sung Chaplet of Divine Mercy from 2:30pm until 3:30pm. I encourage everyone to join us during this special Holy Hour of prayer. Divine Mercy Sunday, established by Pope St. John Paul II in 2000, honors the devotion to God’s boundless mercy as revealed to Saint Faustina. The praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet plays a central role, emphasizing repentance and trust in God’s mercy for all humanity.

There will be no daily masses this week, as I will be away all week. There will be mass at Beloved Disciple and St. Columbkille, so I encourage everyone to join their churches for mass this week for Daily Mass.

On this Monday, April 15, (this is listed differently in the paper bulletin. April 15 is the correct date) there will be a Blooms and Bargains Bazaar Meeting at 6pm in the Parish Conference Room. Anyone that is able and interested in helping is asked to attend this meeting.

On Tuesday, April 16 at 6:30pm, we will have our next VBS planning meeting. All who are interested in helping with our VBS in July are asked to attend.

On Saturday, April 27, we will have a parish spring cleanup day. Many hands will make light work, so any help that you might be able to give on that day will be greatly appreciated. We will begin at 9:00 am and spend the morning around the parish campus to clean up our grounds.

In just about a month on Sunday, May 5, our Sunday Mass schedule is set to return to 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Don’t forget, and share with our family that join us for the summer months.

On Saturday, May 4, we have our Blooms and Bargains Bazaar. All donations can be dropped off at Gallagher Hall, but please contact the parish office to schedule a drop off time. The parish is unable to provide pickup of items.

Here is a thought for the week ahead:

The secret to happiness is also the secret to a long and fulfilling life: Let every situation be what it is, instead of what you think it should be, and then make the best of it. Let God’s Grace empower you to grow through the difficulties you go through.  

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

40 Hours & Corpus Christi Procession Schedule

Beginning this Sunday, June 11, we start our 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion and Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession. The schedule of Events for the next three days is listed below:

Sunday, June 11, 2023

  8:00 AM — Parish Sunday Mass
10:00 AM — Parish Sunday Mass
11:00 AM — Eucharistic Adoration Begins
  2:15 PM — Corpus Christi Procession Begins from IHM Church to K of C Hall
  2:30 PM — Litany of the Most Blessed Sacrament at K of C Hall
  2:45 PM — Procession back to IHM Church
  3:00 PM — Divine Mercy Chaplet in IHM Church
  3:30 PM — Benediction
  3:45 PM — Adoration continues in IHM Church
  7:00 PM — 40 Hours Vespers and Homily from Fr. Joseph Petrone in IHM Church
  7:30 PM — Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday, June 12, 2023

  8:00 AM — Parish Daily Mass
  8:30 AM — Eucharistic Adoration resumes following morning Mass
  7:00 PM — 40 Hours Vespers and Homily from Fr. Joseph Petrone in IHM Church
  7:30 PM — Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

  8:00 AM — Parish Daily Mass
  8:30 AM — Eucharistic Adoration resumes following morning Mass
  7:00 PM — 40 Hours Vespers and Homily from Fr. Joseph Petrone in IHM Church
  7:30 PM — Eucharistic Procession in IHM Church
  7:45 PM — Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament