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Parish Prayer List

Prayer is an important part of our faith in Jesus Christ. It is through prayer that we connect with God and hear His Voice in our lives.

As brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, we have a responsibility to pray for one another. To submit prayer requests to the Parish Prayer List, please submit the form below. Please include your name and email. We will not use your information in any manner, but to prevent against false submissions and bots, we require your contact information as well.

This form is not to request mass intentions, nor is it for financial assistance. To request a mass for you or a loved one, please contact the parish office at your earliest convenience. We are unable to provide financial assistance from our office. If your request is for financial assistance, know of our prayers for you, but we are unable to assist in this manner.

Starting October 6 2024, we are updating our Prayer Chain to be the Parish Prayer List. We make these changes to focus on those in acute need of prayers. Names will remain on the list for 4 weeks and can be re-added if needed. For chronic conditions, please keep praying personally. Parish Prayer List can be found in our bulletin.

Parish Prayer List

Your Name(Required)
Please provide your name for followup. We will not publish your name.
Your Email(Required)
Please provide your email address for followup. We will not publish your email.