Around the Parish – Sunday, February 5, 2023
Around the Parish – Sunday, February 5, 2023
Published on February 4, 2023
In the coming weeks, we will have a Lenten Schedule posted in our bulletin as well as in our church of all the events and dates of Lenten activities happening in our parish, or events that our Diocese has asked us to post in the parish. One item to keep on your radar for Lent is a special scriptural study entitled “A Virtual Pilgrimage to Israel.” For three Thursdays, we will gather as we walk through the life of Christ in the land that He actually lived in through pictures and videos of my two trips to Israel. We will gather on Thursdays, March 16, 23, and 30 at 6pm in the Parish Office Conference Room. I highly encourage you to come and join us for a Lenten spiritual refreshment.
Another activity/change to our normal schedule will be for our weekly adoration. During the Fridays of Lent (excluding Good Friday), we will have adoration from 6-7pm. We will not be having adoration on Wednesdays during Lent. Also during that time on Fridays, I will be hearing confessions from 6-7pm. At 7pm we will have Stations of the Cross, concluding with Benediction at the end of stations. This is another great weekly meditation to help us enter into the spirit of Lent.
On Palm Sunday, Immaculate Heart will be once again be raffling off 2 Easter Lottery Baskets and 7 additional baskets. We are asking for donations of lottery tickets for the two lottery baskets. All scratch off tickets can be placed in the collection basket, brought in to the parish office Monday—Thursday 9a-3p, or mailed to the parish office.
On another note of maintenance to our physical plant: one of the toilets in the ladies restroom in Gallagher Hall will need to be replaced. On Tuesday, January 31, we noticed that the toilet was leaking and is cracked. With that crack, we have been leaking a lot of water, causing our water bill to be extremely high. We have been looking for the leak in our building, and have (we hope) found the culprit. Thank you for your continued support on these surprise matters that need to be addressed. As you know, home-ownership comes with many ups and downs, and tons of work.
Here’s a few thoughts for your week: Never give up on anyone; miracles happen every day. It is not hard to make a decision once you know what your Christian values are. The biggest mistake we can make is being afraid to make one. With God’s help,
turn your can’ts into cans and your dreams into plans.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy