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Tag: Palm Sunday

Around the Parish – March 24, 2024

Today, we celebrate Palm Sunday. This celebration begins our entrance into Holy Week. This next week is the highlight of our entire existence as Christians. This week, we celebrate the Mysteries of our Faith, beginning with the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem with loud shouts of Hosanna! These same voices by Friday will be the voices calling for the crucifixion of Jesus. So much will happen in a week. I truly encourage you to enter deeply into the celebrations and the prayer that surrounds Holy Week.

This week, our parish schedule will be a bit different, as it is every year. I thank Father Ray Gramata for his help this weekend and next while I am at SCI Mercer celebrating mass. Father Ray will be the celebrant at this Sunday and next 11a mass. This Monday, while there is no mass here in our parish, I will be in Erie at the celebration of the Chrism mass. This special mass is where the Holy Oils we use in our sacraments are blessed and consecrated. If you have never participated in this special liturgy before, I encourage you to join us online via the Cathedral’s Facebook Page, or make the journey to the Cathedral in Erie. (I will do my best to share it via our Facebook page.)

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will have our normal 8a masses in our parish. On Thursday, the only mass we are permitted to celebrate is the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7pm. This special mass is the beginning of the Holy Triduum, and is one continual celebration that starts with the celebration of this Holy Day and ends with the celebration of the Easter Vigil, which must start after sunset on Saturday night. Our celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday will be at 12:15pm. No celebration of the Holy Eucharist is permitted throughout the world on Good Friday. You will notice that we do not conclude with the sign of the cross on Holy Thursday, nor will we make the sign of the cross on Good Friday at the beginning or end of the liturgies; this is because it is one continual celebration showing forth the mysteries that occur from the celebration of the Last Supper through the celebration of the Great Resurrection of Our Lord. Our Easter Sunday Mass Schedule will be at 8am and 11am.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Keep watering your dreams, hopes, and goals. Motivation gets you going; habit keeps you going. Don’t measure your progress using someone else’s ruler. Some things have to end so that better things can begin. Faith can move mountains; doubt and fear can create them.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – April 2, 2023

Palm Sunday is also known as Passion Sunday, because we hear an account of the passion of Jesus Christ during the liturgy. Most churches also share this reading in common. Many Catholic parishes use multiple lectors to proclaim the Gospel, while it is not uncommon for a similar reading or even a performance in many mainstream Protestant churches.

The commonality found in the worship on this particular Sunday seems to highlight the fundamental truth in the observance: Jesus Christ died for everyone. He did not die on a cross for just Catholics, or just Orthodox, or just Protestants. Whether one acknowledges it or not, he was crucified for all those who are born of man. Today, we rejoice not just for what he has done for us but also for what he has done for all of creation.

On Holy Saturday, church regulation does not permit any Masses to be celebrated before sunset. This is the case so that the church is dark for the lighting of the Easter Fire and Paschal Candle. Consequently, we cannot have the 5:00 pm mass that day. The Easter Vigil will begin at 8:30 pm. This is the earliest time permitted by the diocese.

On Holy Thursday, morning Masses are not permitted. Our Mass will be at 7:00 pm. It will be followed by Adoration until 11:30 pm. The Passion of Our Lord and Holy Communion service will be at 12:15 pm on Good Friday.

On Holy Saturday, we will be decorating the church at 9:00 am. A word of gratitude and appreciation goes out to all those who donated for the Easter Lilies. Those names will be in next weekend’s bulletin. The blessing of Easter foods will take place on Holy Saturday at 12:00 pm in church.

In May, our Sunday Mass schedule is set to return to 8 am and 10:30 am. Before we make that decision, we want to make sure that is the best time for summer. In the bulletin for the next few weeks, a form will be available to select your favored option for the Summer Sunday Schedule. We ask that you only return one form per family. You can place the form in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office.

For the months of May—August, our Mass schedule is set to change from 11 am to 10:30 am. We are asking all parishioners to circle their preferred option below and return to the parish office via the collection or mailing in your response.

Option 1: 8:00 am & 11:00 am

Option 2: 8:00 am & 10:30 am

Option 3: 8:00 am & 10:00 am

Here’s a thought for your week: Get into the habit of asking yourself, “does this support the kind of life God wants me to create?”   

 Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The IHM 300 Club will be a special 6 month raffle, and more information about this can be found in today’s bulletin, as well as on our website. Tickets will begin being sold this weekend, April 1 & 2 after all the masses. Tickets can also always be purchased through the parish office after next weekend.

Around the Parish – Sunday, February 5, 2023

In the coming weeks, we will have a Lenten Schedule posted in our bulletin as well as in our church of all the events and dates of Lenten activities happening in our parish, or events that our Diocese has asked us to post in the parish. One item to keep on your radar for Lent is a special scriptural study entitled “A Virtual Pilgrimage to Israel.” For three Thursdays, we will gather as we walk through the life of Christ in the land that He actually lived in through pictures and videos of my two trips to Israel. We will gather on Thursdays, March 16, 23, and 30 at 6pm in the Parish Office Conference Room. I highly encourage you to come and join us for a Lenten spiritual refreshment.

Another activity/change to our normal schedule will be for our weekly adoration. During the Fridays of Lent (excluding Good Friday), we will have adoration from 6-7pm. We will not be having adoration on Wednesdays during Lent. Also during that time on Fridays, I will be hearing confessions from 6-7pm. At 7pm we will have Stations of the Cross, concluding with Benediction at the end of stations. This is another great weekly meditation to help us enter into the spirit of Lent.

On Palm Sunday, Immaculate Heart will be once again be raffling off 2 Easter Lottery Baskets and  7 additional baskets. We are asking for donations of lottery tickets for the two lottery baskets. All scratch off tickets can be placed in the collection basket, brought in to the parish office Monday—Thursday  9a-3p, or mailed to the parish office.

On another note of maintenance to our physical plant: one of the toilets in the ladies restroom in Gallagher Hall will need to be replaced. On Tuesday, January 31, we noticed that the toilet was leaking and is cracked. With that crack, we have been leaking a lot of water, causing our water bill to be extremely high. We have been looking for the leak in our building, and have (we hope) found the culprit. Thank you for your continued support on these surprise matters that need to be addressed. As you know, home-ownership comes with many ups and downs, and tons of work.

Here’s a few thoughts for your week: Never give up on anyone; miracles happen every day. It is not hard to make a decision once you know what your Christian values are. The biggest mistake we can make is being afraid to make one. With God’s help,
turn your can’ts into cans and your dreams into plans.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy