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Tag: Repairs

Around the Parish – August 20, 2023

Our Faith Formation Schedule for this school year is in this weekend’s bulletin. This schedule is also available on our parish website. If any changes need to be made, we will make sure to send those updates home as well as change the website, post on social media, and try to update the bulletin. The bulletin due date is on Tuesday by 3pm, so if a change comes up after Tuesday end of day, we will not be able to make changes in the up-coming weekend’s bulletin.

With the approaching school year, please be aware that our Sunday Mass schedule will change. Starting the first Sunday of September, our Sunday morning Masses will return to 8 am and 11 am. We kindly ask for your help in spreading the word about this change.

This past week, we changed some light bulbs and fixed some light fixtures. You might need to bring some sunscreen! The church is so much brighter, and now it is easier to see. Thanks to Mr. Mike Shomin for all his work on our campus updating all the electric and making necessary upgrades!

Although no one wants to think about it, winter is just around the corner…not one of my favorite thoughts…BUT, with winter coming, we are in need of some help with the white stuff that comes with winter. We are in need of someone to shovel the sidewalks of church. If you are able and willing to assist us with this task, please contact the parish office as soon as possible!

On the organ, there are slips of paper in a basket. If there is a particular hymn or song that you might like Mr. Sankey to play before mass, feel free to fill out the form and leave it on the organ.

A heads up, Saint Anthony’s Rummage Sale is soon. Please help our neighbors in Farrell and let others know about their fundraiser:

Wed., Aug. 30 / 2pm to 5pm

Thurs., Aug. 31 / 9am to 2pm

Fri., Sept. 1 / 9am to 2pm

Sat., Sept. 2 / 9am to Noon

Here are a couple of thoughts for the week ahead: One day, if not already, your refusal to give up will inspire someone else. Faith and hope are two of the most powerful emotions a person can have. Combine them with determination and there’s no stopping you. In any given moment, we have two choices: to step forward into growth, or step backwards into safety. Stepping backwards may make us feel better in the short term, but stepping forwards will undoubtedly make us feel better in the long term.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – August 12, 2023

A quick reminder that Tuesday, August 15, is a Holy Day of Obligation celebrating the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mass will be held on both Monday, August 14, at 6pm, and Tuesday, August 15, at 8 am. Your presence at these special Masses is truly valued as we come together in faith and unity.

For families with children in Faith Formation, registration forms were mailed out recently. You can also find blank forms at the entrances of the Church and on our website. The deadline for returning the forms is Wednesday, August 16. While there is no cost for families to participate, any donations to support necessary materials are greatly appreciated.

With the approaching school year, please be aware that our Mass schedule will change. Starting the first Sunday of September, our Sunday morning Masses will return to 8 am and 11 am. We kindly ask for your help in spreading the word about this change.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Knights of Columbus for installing the new flagpole in front of the rectory. Additionally, an anonymous donor generously donated and coordinated the planting of three trees, enhancing the beauty of our church campus. Your contributions uplift our parish in meaningful ways.

We’re pleased to report that the rectory garage roof repairs are progressing well. Though the damage wasn’t as extensive as anticipated, a few minor repairs remain. We’re awaiting the final cost for these repairs. We sincerely thank everyone who has contributed with prayers and financial support, showing your dedication to maintaining our beloved parish.

Over the past several months, we have collected a bunch of orphaned umbrellas at the entrances of Church. If you think you may have abandoned an umbrella, feel free to look at the collection in the sacristy. I am always looking for a good umbrella, but I don’t think I need 20 all for myself!

Here are a couple of thoughts for the week ahead. With faith and God’s grace, let’s transform our set backs into bounce backs. Do not give the past the power to define your future. Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness yet become something beautiful again. Be proud of who you are, instead of ashamed of how someone else sees you.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Registration forms for the 2023-24 school year have been mailed out this past week. We ask that you please return the completed forms to the parish office by Wednesday, August 16 so that we can purchase necessary materials. We are grateful for all our returning teachers, as well as a few new additions!

Continuing this year will be our monthly Family Day where we will have presentations and topics presented to the whole parish family. Classroom sessions are scheduled in-between the Sunday masses from 9:15am — 10:45am. Our schedule is available on our website and was mailed out to families with the registration form.

A reminder that Confirmation is being changed from Junior Year to Freshman Year. With this change, last year our Junior and Sophomore classes were confirmed. This year, our Freshman and Sophomore classes will be confirmed. All students in Ninth and Tenth Grade who wish to be confirmed must register and participate in all classes preceding our Confirmation Ceremony. Confirmation Ceremony is currently scheduled for our parish on Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Saint Michael Church.

Any questions can be directed to Mr. Greg Cummings, Director of Faith Formation for Immaculate Heart at or calling the Parish Office.

Around the Parish – July 30, 2023

Our Annual Saint Hermenegild Mass and Picnic is scheduled for Thursday, August 10, 2023. Mass will begin at 6pm and the picnic will be after Mass outside church. All are asked to bring a dish to share, and a chair to sit on!

Thank you to everyone who came to our Saint Philomena Healing Mass. May our prayers for healing continue to pour out and bless our community. We will schedule another healing Mass dedicated to Saint Philomena in February of 2024.

This past week, the contractors came to replace the roof of the rectory garage. As of writing this column, we don’t yet know to what extent the damage is, but in this weekend’s bulletin, we have listed what potential damage will need to be addressed, as well as some guaranteed maintenance that is being addressed by the replacement of the roof.

In the coming weeks, registration forms and other pertinent information will be mailed out for Faith Formation. Our anticipate start date is scheduled for Sunday, September 10, at 9:15-10:45 am. We are excited to welcome Mr. Greg Cummings as our new Director of Faith Formation. All information for Faith Formation will be available on our parish website in the coming days.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: Let go of worries and hand them over to God’s capable hands. He is your refuge and strength, providing the peace that surpasses all understanding. As you face challenges, remember that God’s power works best in your weakness. In humility, rely on His strength to carry you through every obstacle and bring forth victory.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Celebrate with us as we near the completion of the roof project! We are excited to share the extensive and meticulous work that has gone into addressing various crucial aspects. The scope of the roof repairs goes beyond a simple rubber removal; it involves enhancing the drainage system, rectifying past water damage in the garage, and meticulously replacing incorrectly installed flashing around the roof perimeter.

Furthermore, we are taking proactive measures to safeguard our property by urgently attending to ongoing issues with the roof over the back door of the rectory. This attention will prevent any further damage and ensure the longevity of our cherished property.

The significance of this project is underscored by the fact that the roof is original to the construction of the rectory dating back to 1955. Given this historical aspect, we are mindful that the wood beneath the rubber may require replacement due to water seepage in the past.

We are grateful for the efforts and dedication of those involved in this vital restoration and repairs, and we eagerly anticipate the successful completion of this project, which will ensure the structural integrity and beauty of our beloved church property for years to come. Let us continue to support and pray for the continued progress of this significant endeavor.

Around the Parish – July 23, 2023

Calling all Young Adults of the Mercer Deanery! Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish will be hosting a cook-out for all young adults (ages 21-39[ish]) on this Friday, July 28, 2023 beginning at 6pm! We will provide hamburgers and hotdogs, we ask that you bring a dish to share. To RSVP your spot, please contact the parish office ASAP either by emailing or calling (724) 662-2999. RSVPs need to be in by Wednesday this week!

Our Annual Saint Hermenegild Mass and Picnic is scheduled for Thursday, August 10, 2023. Mass will begin at 6pm and the picnic will be after mass outside church. All are asked to bring a dish to share, and a chair to sit on!

On this Thursday, July 27, 2023, we will have a special mass at 7pm in church dedicated to Saint Philomena and asking for her intercession for healing both in body and spirit for our parish and the community. All are encouraged to attend. We will have a relic of Saint Philomena and blessings with the oil of Saint Philomena. Please share this opportunity for prayer and healing throughout our community and in all of Mercer County and our Diocese!

Last weekend, we tested our new live stream camera. We noticed that there are issues with image brightness as well as audio. We plan on continuing to correct this issue, but it will take some extra physical work on our part. In last week’s bulletin, I mentioned that we will need to upgrade parts of our sound system, as parts are from the early 1990’s and are needing replaced. (It might feel like 1990 was just yesterday, but it’s actually 33 years ago!) We do not have any firm plans yet, but we are working on getting the best possible options available for our church. The lighting issue is something we continue to address. Some of the light bulbs in the arch of the sanctuary are burnt out, and are not pointed at the correct places. This causes our high altar and tabernacle to be darker than expected in video. We need to replace some lightbulbs and point the other lightbulbs at their correct location. This will require a lift to reach the lights. In the coming weeks, we plan on renting a lift to reach these lights so as to address these issues.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Rectory Garage Roof Repairs

Help us reach our goal of $26,000 for the rectory garage flat roof repairs by contributing to our ongoing fundraising efforts. With the community’s support, we have already raised $13,000, but we still need your generous contributions to make this crucial repair project a reality.

Around the Parish – July 16, 2023

Calling all Young Adults of the Mercer Deanery! Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish will be hosting a cook-out for all young adults (ages 21-39[ish]) on Friday, July 28, 2023 beginning at 6pm! We will provide hamburgers and hotdogs, we ask that you bring a dish to share. To RSVP your spot, please contact the parish office ASAP either by emailing or calling (724) 662-2999.

In just about a month, we will have our Annual Saint Hermenegild Mass and Picnic on Thursday, August 10. Mass will begin at 6pm. All are asked to bring a dish to share, and a chair to sit on!

On Thursday, July 27, 2023, we will have a special mass at 7pm in church dedicated to Saint Philomena and asking for her intercession for healing both in body and spirit for our parish and the community. All are encouraged to attend. We will have a relic of Saint Philomena and blessings with the oil of Saint Philomena. More information can be found in this weekend’s bulletin. Please share this opportunity for prayer and healing throughout our community and in all of Mercer County and our Diocese!

A few weeks ago, I noted in the bulletin that the camera we had for livestreaming was broken and out of warranty. I noted that it would cost about $2,000 to replace the camera. Thanks to some gracious parishioners, we have been able to replace the camera and begin livestreaming our Sunday Masses again. We would like to update our sound system as it is on its last leg, and often has problems with interference. We have already replaced the wireless microphone, and a microphone was placed on the altar, but our mixer needs replaced and upgraded, and the speaker and amplifier for the Mother’s Chapel needs replaced. At the moment, we don’t have any quotes or ideas on cost, but we do know that we do not have the funds for that in the immediate future. All these great things for our community would not be possible without your continued support, both financially as well as most importantly, spiritually. Thank you all for your continued prayers as we work together to uplift and upgrade the experience here at IHM.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: Let’s not forget that anger and bitterness rob us of our peace, not the peace of those who’ve hurt us. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – February 12, 2023

Our Mardi Gras Party is just a week away! Time is always moving forward. With Mardi Gras in our view, that means Lent is just around the corner. Masses for Ash Wednesday are 8am and 6pm.

As mentioned last week, our parish Lenten Schedule is included in this weekend’s bulletin. Events listed are either parish events, or things the Diocese of Erie asked for us to advertise. I encourage everyone to participate in the different activities and events throughout the season of Lent.

Last week at the end of Mass, I announced that we had had issues with heat in church February 1-3. On Friday, February 3, we called in the HVAC repair crew as the heat in church would not get above 58F. Originally, the thought was that one or two circulation pumps were not working and would need to be replaced. In reality, the pumps were working fine, but one of the two boilers was not turning on. The technician informed us that the one boiler was having issues igniting. After repairs to the system, it is now working again. The technician also informed us that the one boiler has not been working since October. I asked if this means we need to prepare to replace the boiler, but no answer was able to be given. The boilers in church are 16 years old, as they were replaced in 2007. Let us pray that they last us a bit longer!

Here’s a few thoughts for your week: You can’t be right by doing wrong; you can’t be wrong doing right. Be the person who makes others feel special so that you are known for your kindness, acceptance, and faith.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – Sunday, February 5, 2023

In the coming weeks, we will have a Lenten Schedule posted in our bulletin as well as in our church of all the events and dates of Lenten activities happening in our parish, or events that our Diocese has asked us to post in the parish. One item to keep on your radar for Lent is a special scriptural study entitled “A Virtual Pilgrimage to Israel.” For three Thursdays, we will gather as we walk through the life of Christ in the land that He actually lived in through pictures and videos of my two trips to Israel. We will gather on Thursdays, March 16, 23, and 30 at 6pm in the Parish Office Conference Room. I highly encourage you to come and join us for a Lenten spiritual refreshment.

Another activity/change to our normal schedule will be for our weekly adoration. During the Fridays of Lent (excluding Good Friday), we will have adoration from 6-7pm. We will not be having adoration on Wednesdays during Lent. Also during that time on Fridays, I will be hearing confessions from 6-7pm. At 7pm we will have Stations of the Cross, concluding with Benediction at the end of stations. This is another great weekly meditation to help us enter into the spirit of Lent.

On Palm Sunday, Immaculate Heart will be once again be raffling off 2 Easter Lottery Baskets and  7 additional baskets. We are asking for donations of lottery tickets for the two lottery baskets. All scratch off tickets can be placed in the collection basket, brought in to the parish office Monday—Thursday  9a-3p, or mailed to the parish office.

On another note of maintenance to our physical plant: one of the toilets in the ladies restroom in Gallagher Hall will need to be replaced. On Tuesday, January 31, we noticed that the toilet was leaking and is cracked. With that crack, we have been leaking a lot of water, causing our water bill to be extremely high. We have been looking for the leak in our building, and have (we hope) found the culprit. Thank you for your continued support on these surprise matters that need to be addressed. As you know, home-ownership comes with many ups and downs, and tons of work.

Here’s a few thoughts for your week: Never give up on anyone; miracles happen every day. It is not hard to make a decision once you know what your Christian values are. The biggest mistake we can make is being afraid to make one. With God’s help,
turn your can’ts into cans and your dreams into plans.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – Sunday, January 22, 2023

At the end of last weekend’s masses, I had announced that the gas company came to the rectory on Thursday, February 12 to inspect the supply, and subsequently shut off gas service on noon of that same day. For about the past month, strange occurrences were happening with the natural gas, most noticeable with the stove and oven. At the moment, natural gas supplies the furnace, the hot water tank, and the oven/stove. After discussing what was going on with a few professionals, we called the gas company to come out and inspect the problem. After the inspection, they noted that there was a decent leak between the meter and where it comes into the rectory. This caused the gas company to inform us that they were required to shut off service until the leak was repaired.

Read more: Around the Parish – Sunday, January 22, 2023

As soon as we were informed that the gas would be shut off, Maureen, Marge, and I called numerous companies hoping that someone could come and repair the line as soon as possible. Most companies informed us that they did not service gas lines, and the ones that did, said they could not do the work for 2-3 weeks. Luckily, Wilson Excavating was able to take on the task immediately. Their team came out on Thursday evening to inspect the project and formed a plan. The old gas supply line coming from the meter was buried under ground outside the back door of the rectory, and that is now against the new code. With that being said, the plan became to run the new supply line above ground next to the rectory from the meter and into the rectory next to the back door. Once inside, the supply line enters the basement and connects to the rest of the appliances in the house. The aesthetics of the project are not exactly the best, but with the limited amount of time, and the fact that we are in the winter months, the location of the new supply line is the best that we could do at the moment.

Once the new line was connected, the gas company came to inspect and turn on the service. Being that a new line was connected to the meter, the gas company considers the connection is a “new service,” and therefore requires the entire house to pass a 3lbs of pressure test. Not surprisingly, we failed. Almost all of the connections (the oven/stove being the only exception) were leaking during the pressure test. This required us to repair or replace (and in one situation, to remove) the bad sections of the piping.

In total, this very large and unexpected repair took almost 9 hours to repair on Friday, February 13. From shutoff at 12pm on Thursday to return of service at 4pm on Friday, we were without gas for a total of 16 hours. I am very grateful to Wilson Excavating for their fast response and excellent work. The total cost of the emergency repair is still not completely totaled up at the time of writing this column.

This action was one of the major indications something was wrong.

The apparent reason for the fluctuation of the gas is water in the supply line. Due to the leak in the gas supply line outdoors, water was seeping into the line causing a fluctuation in the supply of gas into the rectory. The only way to remove the water in the line immediately after the repair is to now push air through the lines. The other option is to allow the water to evaporate over time.