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Tag: Forty Hours

Around the Parish – June 16, 2024

Thank you to everyone who participated in or 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion. The three days were filled with so many graces and blessings. A special thank you goes out to Deacon Michael Scanga who led us in our contemplation of the Eucharist and our relationship with Christ. We eagerly look forward to his priesthood ordination in May of 2025.

A special prayer and blessing goes out to all the Fathers of our parish community. Just like Saint Joseph, all fathers are called to be a witness to God in the way they lead and pray for their families.

In preparation for our Vacation Bible School, we will be taking up a special second collection at all the weekend masses. The monies collected will be used to help defray the costs associated with our VBS. Remember, we do not charge any of the families that participate so that there is no reason to not participate! All are welcome, and you do not need to be a member of our church to join! Please help us spread the word in these last few days before we begin on July 8!

As you will see in this bulletin, there are no masses this week coming up, as all the priests will be away for our annual Emmaus Convocation. All priests of the Diocese will be spending a week in Latrobe, PA at Saint Vincent Archabbey for a week or prayer and fraternity. Please pray for us as we pray for you! I look forward to seeing you all next weekend.

Included in the bulletin this weekend, as well as mailed out to all the homes of our students, a flyer is included for Catholic Youth Summer Olympics. Spearheaded by Father Power, pastor of Saint Joseph Parish in Sharon, for the four Thursdays in July, games will be held for our high school students to compete in. I want to encourage all of our high school youth to consider participating! Make a team for IHM and make the parish proud! I look forward to being present at these events, and hope to see our students there.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Time has a wonderful way of showing us who and what is truly important. Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make, makes you. Our worst days have an ending and our best days have a beginning. Happy are those who take life day by day and are grateful for the little things. Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody. We can’t cure the world of sorrow, but we can choose to be a source of joy for others.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – June 9, 2024

As announced last weekend, we are delighted to celebrate our parish feast day throughout this weekend, honoring the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please note that the readings for this special Mass have been carefully selected for the occasion and will not be available in the hymnals. Let us come together in prayer and community to deepen our devotion and celebrate the grace and love bestowed upon us through the honoring of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Thank you to everyone for the Anniversary well wishes and congratulations. I am grateful for your continued support of me and our parish community. I am truly honored and humbled to have been a priest for six years now. It feels like just yesterday I was in seminary, dreaming of what it would be like to be a priest some day. I am truly grateful to God for allowing me to be your priest these past two years. I look forward to many years to come! (And hopefully the Bishop agrees. I’d love to stay here forever!)

A special congratulations to my Brother Knights this weekend as we also celebrate their 65th Anniversary. I am grateful for their presence in our parish, our community, and our families. As a knight, I know of the dedication and support intimately that they give to the church. Please make sure to thank the knights for all they do for our church and beyond. Also, if any man is interested in joining the Knights, please contact Mr. Rich Lipinski, the Grand Knight of the Mercer Knights of Columbus. ( We are always hoping to have more brothers join!

As you know, our 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion begins this Sunday following our 10a mass. Over the next three days, Adoration will be in church each day following mass, and will conclude with Benediction each night beginning at 7pm with Evening Prayer and a Homily by Deacon Michael Scanga. Many priests from all over the Diocese of Erie will be visiting our parish for this special time. Please do greet them and welcome them to our parish! The flyer of times is available in our bulletin this weekend. Please make sure to take a copy home!

Next weekend, we will be taking up a second collection for our Vacation Bible School. We run our VBS solely on donations as we do not charge any of the participants so that there is no barrier for the families to participate. In your charity, please help us to spread the news about our VBS for children to participate. Thank you for your continued generosity.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Friendships are flowers in the garden of life: you need to water them and care for them if you want them to grow. Be a person who solves problems, not one who creates them. Be stronger than your strongest excuse.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – June 2, 2024

This weekend, our church celebrates the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or as more commonly known, Corpus Christi Sunday. In a special way, we give thanks to God on this Corpus Christi Sunday for the gift of His Body and Blood as our food and medicine here on this earth. By this great gift, we are given the remedy out of this life of sin and a way back into His Love. By this sacrament, we participate in His eternal sacrifice upon the cross, bringing our unworthiness to the foot of the Holy Cross from which we receive every grace and heavenly blessing.

On this Corpus Christi weekend, we also recognize a new gift that we have been given by God: the gift of a newly recognized Saint in Heaven. This saint is Carlo Acutis, the first millennial saint. Although his Canonization Mass has not yet been celebrated, the Holy Father has recognized another miracle attributed to Carlo’s intercession, paving the way for his sainthood. Let us give thanks to God for this holy young man who was so dedicated to the Holy Eucharist; let us proclaim this great saint to the ends of the earth for his desire to proclaim Jesus in the Eucharist to all!

A common practice for Corpus Christi Sunday is to celebrate with Eucharistic Processions. Last year, if you remember, we held the deanery Eucharistic Procession. This year, Saint Joseph Church in Sharon is hosting the deanery Eucharistic Procession. Rev. Mr. Michael Scanga will be giving a reflection at the conclusion of the procession. Deacon Michael will then be with us for our Forty Hours Celebration the next weekend. All are invited to participate in the procession beginning at 2pm at Saint Joseph Church. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Forty Hours Eucharistic Adoration sign-ups remain available in the main vestibule of church as well as on our parish website. At least one person is needed for each hour the Eucharist is exposed for Adoration.  I ask that you consider signing up for an hour or two of Adoration during the three days of prayer. More information is available on our website.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

The happiest people are those who make the effort to make other happy. Remember, your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – May 26, 2024

This weekend, we celebrate the profound Mystery of the Holy Trinity, encompassing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. While we strive to comprehend God in His Three Persons, He remains an unfathomable mystery. Despite our growing understanding, there is always more to discover. Although studying the Trinity may seem daunting or even futile, we are called to a life of continuous conversion and exploration of our faith. I encourage you to deepen your relationship with God through daily prayer and study.

This Weekend, we are officially kicking off our Walking with Moms in Need ministry! Thanks to massive donations and contributions already, we have tons of clothing items available for our moms in need! With that being said, we are not in need of clothing, but rather with items such as diapers, wipes, and toiletry items, both for mom and baby. With all of the amazing donations, we are now desperately in need of clothing racks, baby hangers, and shelving for our storage room. If you feel called to donate any of these items, please contact Barb Dumais, our Director of Outreach Ministry. More information can be found on the Outreach Ministry webpage.

Forty Hours Eucharistic Adoration sign-ups remain available in the main vestibule of church as well as on our website. I ask that you consider signing up for an hour or two of Eucharistic Adoration during the three days of prayer. More information is available on our website.

Registration forms for our VBS are available at the doors of church as well as on our parish website. Please register as soon as possible so that we can prepare!

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Don’t put people down, unless it is on your prayer list. Let’s turn our cant’s into cans and our dreams into a plan. Remember, a negative attitude never gives us a positive life or healthy relationships. Trust that when God’s answer seems to be no, there is a better yes just around the corner.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – May 19, 2024

This Sunday, we celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost Sunday marks the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, emboldening them to proclaim the Gospel with conviction. Just as Jesus instructed his followers to be instruments of peace, Pentecost underscores the responsibility of believers to share the message of salvation and reconciliation. On this day, let us remember our duty to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit that God has given us to promote peace through faith, prayer, and righteous living.

As mentioned in last week’s bulletin, I am away this weekend for my brother’s wedding in Erie. I thank Father Ray for covering the parish for me this weekend. Please make sure to thank him for being here with us in my absence. I truly cannot thank him enough for his continued support of me and our parish!

Next Weekend, we will be officially kicking off our Walking with Moms in Need ministry! Thanks to massive donations and contributions already, we have tons of clothing items available for our moms in need! With that being said, we are not in need of clothing, but rather with items such as diapers, wipes, and toiletry items, both for mom and baby. With all of the amazing donations, we are now desperately in need of clothing racks, baby hangers, and shelving for our storage room. If you feel called to donate any of these items, please contact Barb Dumais, our Director of Outreach Ministry. More information can be found on the Outreach Ministry webpage.

Forty Hours Eucharistic Adoration sign-ups are available in the main vestibule of church. I ask that you consider signing up for an hour or two of Eucharistic Adoration during the three days of prayer. More information is available on our website.

Registration forms for our VBS are available at the doors of church as well as on our parish website. Please register as soon as possible so that we can prepare!

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Two thoughts will be the death knell to any goal: “That’s how we’ve always done it,” and “That will never work.” Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable; give space for the work of the Holy Spirit. Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your head, but by the dreams in your heart.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – May 12, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible moms in our parish! Today, we honor the love, strength, and sacrifice you pour into your families each day. Your nurturing spirit reflects the boundless love of our Heavenly Father. May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and the countless ways you shape our lives with your love. God bless you abundantly on this special day!

Thank you to all our volunteers for their help with our Blooms and Bargains Bazaar on Saturday, May 4. Thanks to all of your donations and support, we were able to raise $3,081.29.

Even though the 300 Club has begun, it’s not too late to get your ticket! Help us with the final push to sell our remaining 67 tickets!

This week for daily mass on Wednesday—Friday, and next weekend for Pentecost Sunday, we welcome Father Ray for all masses as I will be away. Next Saturday is my brother’s wedding, and so I will be in Erie for preparations as well as the weekend. Thank you for always welcoming Father Ray and making him feel at home when I am away!

Forty Hours Eucharistic Adoration sign-ups are available in the main vestibule of church. I ask that you consider signing up for an hour or two of Eucharistic Adoration during the three days of prayer. More information is available in the bulletin as well as on our website.

In July, we will be hosting Vacation Bible School on Mon. July 8 through Fri. July 12. More information is available on our website. Registration forms are available at the doors of Church as well as on our website.

Congratulations to all our graduates as they embark on this new chapter of their lives! Your journey is guided by faith, reflecting the enduring love of our Heavenly Father. As you embrace the challenges ahead, remember that God’s strength is within you. We are proud of your achievements and pray that His blessings continue to illuminate your path. Congratulations, graduates, and may you continue to shine as beacons of His grace!

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your head, but by the dreams in your heart. Don’t let people pull you into their storm; pull them into your peace. The real mark of a Christian is the ability to remain pleasant when others are not.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – May 5, 2024

This Saturday, May 4, we celebrated First Holy Communion for three students in our parish, Marianna Sosa-Ramirez, Ryker Gailey, and Luca Seppi. Congratulations to these three students, as well as a massive thank you to Mrs. Linda Oliver who helped prepare these students to receive this most important sacrament.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Blooms and Bargains Bazaar this weekend. As always, I am truly grateful for all of your continued support for our parish family.

Mark your calendars for our Forty Hours celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Sunday June 9, Monday June 10, and Tuesday June 11. Sign ups for our adoration are now available in the main vestibule of church on the window separating the vestibule and nave of church, as well as on our website. We are in need of volunteers to sign up for Eucharistic Adoration on each of the three days. Times are listed on the sign up sheets as well as on our website. Newly ordained Deacon Michael Scanga, transitional deacon for the Diocese of Erie will be with us to preach on the Eucharist.

In July, we will be hosting Vacation Bible School on Mon. July 8 through Fri. July 12. More information is available on our website. Registration will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.

If you find that you are not a registered member of our parish family, or maybe you haven’t been getting all of our latest updates, make sure that you register through the parish office, as well as signing up for our FlockNote, which allows the parish staff as well as our different ministries to send messages and updates directly to your cell phone or email. More information can always be found on our website

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Wear your trials as armor, not shackles. Your mistakes do not define you, your love does. Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear. Life is short: there is no time to leave important words unsaid.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – April 28, 2024

This weekend is our last Faith Formation session for the 2023-24 school year. I want to thank all of our volunteers and teachers. Without their continued dedication and support, we would not be able to continue Faith Formation in our parish. Please thank them with me! This year, we were graced with the presence of Jonelle Haynie, Nelly Sosa, Matt & Hannah Hazi, Amy Oehlbeck, Linda Oliver, Rachael DeFiore, Katelyn Gable, Cindy Wilpula, and Greg Cummings.

Next Saturday, May 4, is Blooms & Bargains Bazaar. We need volunteers to help setup & organize items on Thurs., May 2 & Fri., May 3 at 10 AM & Sale Day Sat., May 4. Sign up sheets are at the church entrances .

NEXT Sunday, May 5, our Sunday Mass schedule is set to return to 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Don’t forget, and share with our family that join us for the summer months.

Consider joining us on Saturday mornings the next few weeks for coffee and conversation as we journey through preparation for Marian Consecration. This special form of prayer is a practice where individuals dedicate themselves entirely to Mary, the mother of Jesus. This consecration involves a period of preparation, typically lasting 33 days, during which participants engage in prayer, reflection, and study. The consecration culminates on a Marian feast day, in particular the celebration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, patronal feast day of our parish, when individuals make a formal act of consecration, entrusting themselves entirely to Mary’s care and intercession. This practice is rooted in the belief that Mary is a powerful intercessor and mediator with her Son, Jesus, and that by consecrating oneself to her, individuals can grow closer to Christ and deepen their faith. Sign up forms are located at the doors of church.

In our bulletin this week, there are two advertisements for things coming up this summer. Please make sure to mark your calendars now for our Forty Hours celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Sunday June 9, Monday June 10, and Tuesday June 11. Newly ordained Deacon Michael Scanga, transitional deacon for the Diocese of Erie will be with us to preach on the Eucharist.

In July, we will be hosting Vacation Bible School on Mon. July 8 through Fri. July 12. More information is available on our website. Registration will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

We need to learn how to select our thoughts and attitudes the same way that we select our clothes each morning. You know you are in love when you cannot fall asleep because the reality is better than your dreams. When you’ve done something wrong, admit it. No one ever chocked to death by swallowing his/her pride.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy