Around the Parish – June 16, 2024
Thank you to everyone who participated in or 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion. The three days were filled with so many graces and blessings. A special thank you goes out to Deacon Michael Scanga who led us in our contemplation of the Eucharist and our relationship with Christ. We eagerly look forward to his priesthood ordination in May of 2025.
A special prayer and blessing goes out to all the Fathers of our parish community. Just like Saint Joseph, all fathers are called to be a witness to God in the way they lead and pray for their families.
In preparation for our Vacation Bible School, we will be taking up a special second collection at all the weekend masses. The monies collected will be used to help defray the costs associated with our VBS. Remember, we do not charge any of the families that participate so that there is no reason to not participate! All are welcome, and you do not need to be a member of our church to join! Please help us spread the word in these last few days before we begin on July 8!
As you will see in this bulletin, there are no masses this week coming up, as all the priests will be away for our annual Emmaus Convocation. All priests of the Diocese will be spending a week in Latrobe, PA at Saint Vincent Archabbey for a week or prayer and fraternity. Please pray for us as we pray for you! I look forward to seeing you all next weekend.
Included in the bulletin this weekend, as well as mailed out to all the homes of our students, a flyer is included for Catholic Youth Summer Olympics. Spearheaded by Father Power, pastor of Saint Joseph Parish in Sharon, for the four Thursdays in July, games will be held for our high school students to compete in. I want to encourage all of our high school youth to consider participating! Make a team for IHM and make the parish proud! I look forward to being present at these events, and hope to see our students there.
Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:
Time has a wonderful way of showing us who and what is truly important. Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make, makes you. Our worst days have an ending and our best days have a beginning. Happy are those who take life day by day and are grateful for the little things. Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody. We can’t cure the world of sorrow, but we can choose to be a source of joy for others.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy