Around the Parish – May 12, 2024
Around the Parish – May 12, 2024
Published on May 11, 2024
Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible moms in our parish! Today, we honor the love, strength, and sacrifice you pour into your families each day. Your nurturing spirit reflects the boundless love of our Heavenly Father. May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and the countless ways you shape our lives with your love. God bless you abundantly on this special day!
Thank you to all our volunteers for their help with our Blooms and Bargains Bazaar on Saturday, May 4. Thanks to all of your donations and support, we were able to raise $3,081.29.
Even though the 300 Club has begun, it’s not too late to get your ticket! Help us with the final push to sell our remaining 67 tickets!
This week for daily mass on Wednesday—Friday, and next weekend for Pentecost Sunday, we welcome Father Ray for all masses as I will be away. Next Saturday is my brother’s wedding, and so I will be in Erie for preparations as well as the weekend. Thank you for always welcoming Father Ray and making him feel at home when I am away!
Forty Hours Eucharistic Adoration sign-ups are available in the main vestibule of church. I ask that you consider signing up for an hour or two of Eucharistic Adoration during the three days of prayer. More information is available in the bulletin as well as on our website.
In July, we will be hosting Vacation Bible School on Mon. July 8 through Fri. July 12. More information is available on our website. Registration forms are available at the doors of Church as well as on our website.
Congratulations to all our graduates as they embark on this new chapter of their lives! Your journey is guided by faith, reflecting the enduring love of our Heavenly Father. As you embrace the challenges ahead, remember that God’s strength is within you. We are proud of your achievements and pray that His blessings continue to illuminate your path. Congratulations, graduates, and may you continue to shine as beacons of His grace!
Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:
Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your head, but by the dreams in your heart. Don’t let people pull you into their storm; pull them into your peace. The real mark of a Christian is the ability to remain pleasant when others are not.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy