Around the Parish – May 7, 2023
Next Sunday is Mother’s Day, and so to honor our Blessed Mother, we will crown her during the weekend masses at the beginning of mass. Flower vases will be placed around the statue of Mary that is placed in front of the altar. If you want to add any flowers before mass to these vases in honor of the Blessed Mother, feel free! All are invited to participate!

As mentioned at all the masses last weekend, this year we will host Vacation Bible School. Vacation Bible School is open for all children registered for Preschool through Eighth Grade for the 2023-24 school year. All high school students looking for volunteer/service hours can come as well to help out! The more the merrier! We have chosen to schedule our VBS in the evenings from 5:30-8p to accommodate parents and volunteers who have to work during the day. Many of those who wish to volunteer cannot take a week off work to help, and so we are trying an evening time to assist with others’ schedules. The theme for this year is Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Thank you to Mrs. Linda Oliver and her crew for organizing this opportunity for our parish and community! For more information, please visit our website at
Thank you to everyone who came out to help at the Plant and Garden Sale. More information will be given in the coming weeks about the success of the event.
Reminder for Parish Council that we have a meeting scheduled for this Thursday at 6pm in the parish office conference room.
We are still selling tickets for the 300 club! As of writing this article, we have sold 130 tickets, nearing the half-way mark! Please help us spread the word to sell the remaining tickets. More information on the 300 club can be found on the website at
Here’s a thought for your week: Family is that place where love begins and never ends. Family provides the anchor when life storms rage around us. Family extends beyond our biology, and into our relationships that fill our day.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy
The IHM 300 Club will be a special 6 month raffle, and more information about this can be found in today’s bulletin, as well as on our website. Tickets will begin being sold after all the masses. Tickets can also always be purchased through the parish office.