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Around the Parish – October 8, 2023

This Monday, October 9, is a national holiday of Columbus Day, and therefore our parish office will be closed. We hope all of our students and families who are off from school and work this Monday enjoy their extra day!

As mentioned in the bulletin last week, we will begin a seven week look at the different relics in our church. We are blessed to have seven different relics in our church, two of which are located inside the main altar of our church. This week, we take a look at Saint Maria Goretti.

 A reminder to our parish families, all students and their families are invited to our annual trip to the Cool Springs Corn Maze. Lunch will be provided after the 11a mass. Transportation will not be provided, so all families will need to find their own transportation. The parish will pay for the students participating. To sign up, please visit the Faith Formation office or call the parish office by October 19.

Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: Just because your life may not have turned out the way you’d planned, it doesn’t mean that it won’t turn out OK. It’s hard for a person to beat depression, but it’s even harder for depression to beat a person who never gives up. The most beautiful thing in the world is a smile that has struggled through tears. Today, you don’t need to have all the answers. You just need to know what to do next.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy