Around the Parish – July 2, 2023
Around the Parish – July 2, 2023
Published on July 1, 2023
Happy Independence Day to all! May this special day be a reminder of the freedom and liberty that we cherish. Let us celebrate the spirit of independence with joy and gratitude, honoring the brave souls who fought for our rights and shaping our nation’s destiny. May unity, peace, and prosperity continue to guide us towards a brighter future. Enjoy the festivities and the blessings of freedom.
We have sold all of the 300 tickets! You no longer have to listen to me for this year remind everyone to purchase their tickets! This is a yearly event, and therefore next spring we will begin selling tickets again, so make sure to get your ticket early next year! Again, thank you to everyone for helping this fundraiser.
Registration is still open for our VBS which is scheduled for July 17-21 from 5:30pm to 8pm. THIS IS ONLY TWO WEEKS AWAY!!! This awesome opportunity is open to all students from pre-k through eighth grade! There is NO COST for any family to participate, and is open to all! You need not be a member of IHM! All peoples are welcome. Please register as soon as possible to make sure to save your child a spot! Registration can be done online on our website or via paper registration form! More information can be found at
On Thursday, July 27, 2023, we will have a special mass at 7pm in church dedicated to Saint Philomena and asking for her intercession for healing both in body and spirit for our parish and the community. All are encouraged to attend. We will have a relic of Saint Philomena and blessings with the oil of Saint Philomena. More information can be found in this weekend’s bulletin.
Next weekend, July 8 & 9, Father Aby Abraham, IMS, a priest of the Indian Missionary Society will be visiting us for the annual Missionary Co-op appeal. Please help me welcome Father Aby and make him feel at home here at IHM.
Recently, some may have noticed that we are not able to livestream our 10a mass any longer. Our camera has had a bit of a problem, and now prevents us from livestreaming the mass. To be able to remedy this situation, we need to replace the camera, but that would cost us $2000, and that is an expense that we cannot afford right now with the currently weekly deficit and the emergency work on the rectory garage roof. Prayers that we can find a way to move forward to livestream the liturgies from church.
Here’s a thought for your week: “The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.” —Pope Benedict XVI
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – July 2, 2023
July 1, 2023