Around the Parish – June 30, 2024
This week, our country celebrates its independence, as well as the mid point of our summer. Every year, when we get to this point, I always ask myself, how? How did the time fly so fast that we are at the Fourth of July. In any event, I hope and pray that you enjoy the holiday and time with family.
The parish office will be closed this week on Thursday as well as our usual day off on Friday for the celebration of the Fourth of July. In order to celebrate with my family, I will be away on Friday, July 5. Therefore, as mentioned in last week’s bulletin, there will be no adoration as well as mass this Friday.
On Thursday, August 8, Life Line Screening will be hosting a health screening in Gallagher Hall. To participate, you need to preregister for the screening. More information can be found at the doors of church as well as in this weekend’s bulletin.
Calling all bakers! We need your help to make our VBS even sweeter! If you’re willing to bake cookies for our students, we would greatly appreciate your support. You can drop off your delicious creations in the Gallagher Hall kitchen on the weekend of July 6 & 7 after all masses, or anytime on Monday, July 8. Thank you for your generosity!
You may have noticed some recent digging around our property. As part of our ongoing commitment to maintenance, we had the window wells and outside stairwell repaired. Prior to beginning the work, the contractor called the 811 hotline to ensure all utilities were marked. However, despite these precautions, the gas line was accidentally hit during the digging process. As a result, everyone on the property was evacuated while we waited for the gas company to shut off the service and repair the line. Unfortunately, there was difficulty locating the shutoff valve, leading to the installation of a new one as it was discovered that the previous valve was missing. Fortunately, all issues have been resolved, and work continued. Our window wells and stairwell are now fully repaired.
Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:
It is the same life, whether we spend it laughing or complaining. Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today. Be a positive energy trampoline—absorb what you need and rebound more back. I am not a product of my circumstances; I am a product of my decisions.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy