Around the Parish – September 10, 2023

Another year has gone by, and yet, every year we are always surprised with how fast time goes by. Tomorrow we remember again the attack on America. The remembrance of 9/11 is a solemn occasion that also carries a message of hope and resilience. On that tragic day, our world was shaken to its core, and we witnessed the worst of humanity’s cruelty. However, we also saw the best of humanity emerge in the form of countless acts of courage, compassion, and heroism. Firefighters, police officers, first responders, and ordinary citizens selflessly rushed to help those in need, showing the indomitable spirit of unity in the face of adversity. In the years that have passed, the scars from that day remain, but so does our commitment to never forget the lives lost and the lessons learned. The remembrance of 9/11 reminds us that even in our darkest hours, we can come together as a nation, support one another, and rebuild stronger than before. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a pledge to honor the memory of those we lost by continuing to strive for a more peaceful and just world.

On November 10, 11, and 12, The Divine Mercy Encounter Retreat Program will be hosting DME #106. In November of 2008, I participated in TEC 51, which is what DME is the spiritual successor of. This amazing weekend retreat lasts three days at Saint Joseph Church in Erie where participants encounter our Lord through His Invitation, Encounter, and Commissioning. Each day has a different focus: Friday is the Day of Invitation, focusing on how God is inviting us into relationship. Saturday is the Day of Encounter, where we encounter God through the sacraments, Adoration, and others. Sunday is the Day of Commission, where we as a community are empowered to evangelize and share our faith. The weekend includes talks, exposure to different types of prayer, Mass, community, and much more. The weekend runs from 10am on Friday to 5pm on Sunday, and retreat participants stay onsite for the weekend.
I look forward to this special weekend this November as I will be the main priest running the weekend with my home parish pastor, Father James McCormick. I encourage everyone to consider participating in this retreat! For more information visit
Here are a couple of thoughts for the week ahead: Archabbot Wimmer, the first abbot of Saint Vincent Monastery in Latrobe, PA had a motto of “Forward, always forward, everywhere forward!” This is an excellent motto for the spiritual life. Always look forward to the future with Christ, for He is already there, preparing for us the joys of Heaven.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy