Around the Parish – July 7, 2024
The big week is finally here! This Monday, July 8 we welcome over 50 youths to our Vacation Bible School, “Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid”. The team has worked hard these past weeks, and we are excited to welcome our youth to this fun filled adventure. Please continue to pray for our children and leaders as we journey back in time to learn more about our God and His love for us!
A question was raised by a few members of our church on when we should sit, kneel, and stand following communion. Back in October of 2021, the Diocese of Erie returned to the practice of kneeling during the Communion Rite (following the recitation/singing of the Lamb of God through the reception of communion). Upon returning to the pew, all are invited to either kneel or sit, depending on the individual’s preference. The question was raised, “do we have to kneel? And when do we sit?” The simple answer is, it’s entirely up to you after receiving communion. For clarity sake, a common practice is that the general permission to sit is with the closing of the tabernacle doors after the Holy Eucharist is placed inside the tabernacle and the priest genuflects/bows. As always, you are welcome to continue kneeling until the presider says “Let us pray,” for the prayer after communion, but you are welcome to sit whenever you wish.
(I think the questions was raised because some may have felt awkward wanting to sit and the priest either does not return to the chair or there is a lengthy time after communion until the priest sits. In other words, you don’t have to wait for the priest to sit if you wish to sit. It is entirely up to your judgement when you want to sit!)
We are always in need of more ministers at mass! If you feel called to minister by reading or being a Eucharistic Minister, or assisting as an usher, please let us know in the office! We are still in need of more ministers of Holy Communion to visit our local nursing homes. Currently, there are three weeks of the month that need a minister to visit either QLS or Avalon. If you feel that you are in need of a sign, this is your sign from God! We need YOU to make this community a family!
Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:
Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. Regardless of the circumstances, two things that we are always in control of are our attitude and our level of motivation. Go prayerfully in he direction of your dreams. Life is fragile, handle it with prayer.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy