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TICKETS GO ON SALE APRIL 1, 2023 after all Sunday Masses
What is the 300 Club?
- The 300 Club is a 6-month raffle at IHM. Only 300 tickets will be sold!
- Each ticket price is $100.00.
- Every number is entered into a weekly drawing.
- The drawing during the first week of the month is worth $400.00
- The drawings during the subsequent weeks of the month will each be worth $200.00.
- The drawings for the raffle will take place every Wednesday from 7/12/2023 to 12/27/2023.
- Five (5) additional drawings will be pulled at the Annual Cookie Walk and Soup Sale 12/10/2023.
- The five (5) drawings at the Cookie Walk and Soup Sale will include three (3) $1000 drawings and two (2) $500 drawings.
- Every ticket will be eligible to win each weekly drawing even if your number was already pulled once.
- Each number will only have one chance at the five (5) special drawings at the cookie walk and soup sale.
- Winner need not be present at any of the drawings to win.
- To join, tickets will be sold after the weekend masses as well as at the parish office, Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
- Checks are to be made out to Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish with the memo line reading “300 Club”.
- For more information, call the parish office at 1 (724) 662-2999.