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Tag: Catholic Services Appeal

Around the Parish – August 11, 2024

This week, I will be in Erie for a few days of rest and work at moms house, and therefore there will be no daily mass here at Immaculate Heart on Monday-Wednesday morning. While at home in Erie, I will be participating in Saint James Parish 40 Hours celebration. Saint James in my home parish in Erie, and so Father McCormick and Deacon Scanga invited me to join them as the parish celebrates the Eucharist. If you wish to join, more information can be found on the parish website of Saint James,

Noted in this weekend’s bulletin is that we have as a parish community pledged over our assessed amount for the Catholic Services Appeal. Any monies raised over the assessed amount remain in our parish to cover the costs of different projects. Our project that the funds were to go toward this year was the repairs of the window wells and outside stairwell at the office building. As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support and generosity. Through your diligence in prayer and support, we will get to be known throughout the diocese as the gem that everyone is envious of!

This Thursday, August 15 is a Holy Day of Obligation for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Masses at Immaculate Heart of Mary will be at 8am and 6pm.

On Saturday and Sunday, August 31 & September 1, we will be hosting a ministry fair with refreshments in Gallagher Hall. This is an opportunity to see what sorts of ministries we have available in our church and consider participating in some of the great ways we work together as a church family. More information will be shared over the coming weeks, so look for updates soon!

With the school year on the horizon, our Sunday Mass Schedule will return to 8am and 11am on Sunday September 1. Please mark your calendar!

Please continue to pray and consider a donation for the parking lot resurfacing. We need to have the lot finished before winter, as it is a detriment to our community. Thank you for your continued support toward the normal maintenance of our church!

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

We can’t cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to power through them and share joy. The miracle is not that I finished, it is that I had the courage to start. Our lives are so much brighter when we focus on who and what truly matters. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The Power and Tradition of Mass Intentions

The Mass is considered the greatest prayer of intercession in the Church. This is because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father, making present the Paschal Mystery of His death and resurrection. Traditionally, a Priest may be requested to offer a Mass for a specific intention, even if the requester cannot be physically present.

Offering Masses for the Deceased:

Having a Mass offered for a deceased person is an ancient and commendable practice. A Mass is offered to pray for the departed, that they may find peace in heaven. Since each Mass holds infinite value, requesting one or several Masses is of tremendous benefit to the person prayed for, as well as their family, who can take comfort in knowing that their intention is united with the prayers of the Church.

The Mass: Center of Christian Life:

Every Mass is a precious gift from God. It is the center of the Church’s life, known as “the source and summit of the Christian life,” because in the celebration of the Mass, we are brought back to Jesus’ Last Supper, the first Mass. We consciously recall the love of God poured out for us through the life, death, and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. At each Mass, all the intentions of God’s people, both living and deceased, are included. As Pope Paul VI noted in his motu proprio “Firma in Traditione,” the faithful, moved by an ecclesial and religious sense, join their own sacrifices to the Eucharistic sacrifice, participating more intensely and supporting the Church’s needs, especially its ministers.

Requesting a Mass Intention:

Anyone may request a Mass Intention for a living person, a deceased person, members of a family, or a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist, such as World Peace, Vocations, or Respect for Life. The Church allows only one intention per Mass.

Offering a Mass Stipend:

The normal stipend offering for a Mass is $10. However, a Mass Offering can be more or less than the suggested amount, depending on the financial position of the person requesting the Mass. Envelopes for Mass intention requests are available at the entrances of the church. These envelopes can be placed in the collection basket or returned to the parish office. The requester may also ask for a card to be sent to notify someone that a Mass Intention has been requested (one card per intention). Please note that the name of the person(s) requesting the Mass is not announced.

Around the Parish – April 14, 2024

I want to express my most sincere gratitude for everyone who has booth pledged and supported the Catholic Services Appeal. As you know, our parish assessment for this year is $49,845. This tithe from our parish to the diocese permits the Churches of Erie Diocese to continue to fulfill the Lord’s Command: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.” (Mt 28:19) Every dollar collected over our assessment will remain in our parish. The monies that will remain in our parish will be used to repair the deteriorating window wells of the basement at the Office Building. Please do prayerfully consider supporting this obligation.

On this Monday, April 15 at 6:00pm, there will be a Blooms and Bargains Bazaar Meeting in the Parish Conference Room. Anyone that is able and interested in helping is asked to attend this meeting.

On this Tuesday, April 16 at 6:30pm, we will have our next VBS planning meeting. All who are interested in helping with our VBS in July are asked to attend.

Next Sunday, April 21, the Mercer Knights of Columbus will be hosting their Pancake Breakfast in Gallagher Hall from after the 8:00am mass until 1:00pm. Please come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast. All proceeds benefit our parish. I thank my brother knights for their continued support of our parish.

On Saturday, April 27, we will have a parish spring cleanup day. Many hands will make light work, so any help that you might be able to give on that day will be greatly appreciated. We will begin at 9:00 am and spend the morning around the parish campus to clean up our grounds.

On Saturday, May 4, we have our Blooms and Bargains Bazaar. All donations can be dropped off at Gallagher Hall, but please contact the parish office to schedule a drop off time. The parish is unable to provide pickup of items.

In just four weeks on Sunday, May 5, our Sunday Mass schedule is set to return to 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Don’t forget, and share with our family that join us for the summer months.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Your day will generally go the way the corners of your mouth turn. Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears. The rosary is a chain that links heaven and earth. One end of it is in your hand; the other in the hand of our Blessed Mother.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – March 5, 2023

We are still in need of lottery tickets for our baskets for the Easter Basket raffle. You can drop them in the collection basket, mail them to the office, or drop them off at the office Monday through Thursday 9a-3p. Thank you again for your support and help!

Mentioning the Easter Basket raffle, don’t forget to turn in your tickets! There is still time, but, as we all know, time moves fast! The drawing for the baskets will be on Palm Sunday after the 11a mass. There is only one bucket that we pull from, so you have a chance to enter in for all the baskets at once!

Our neighbors at Saint Anthony’s Church are having their Easter Bread Sale. Options are Plain Bread: $7, Raisin Bread: $8, Plain Pogach: $5. To place an order, call either Launa: 724-342-2489 or Linda: 724-866-7488. Pickup is Tuesday, April 4. Please help support our neighbors, and enjoy some great Easter Bread!

Please do your best to help us reach our Catholic Services Goals for this year. You should have received a letter and response card from me asking for your support. Please prayerfully consider helping to whatever degree you are able. All gifts, no matter the size, count and will be greatly appreciated.

Here’s a few thoughts for your week: Life does not need to be perfect to be wonderful. Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. The finest souls are those who gulped pain and avoided making others taste it. Remember, your direction is more important than your speed. If you see someone without a smile today, give him yours. It is how you deal with failure that will determine how you will achieve success. It takes just as much energy to wish as it does to plan. Take your victories, whatever they may be, cherish them, use them, but don’t just settle for them.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – February 26, 2023

Lent is one of the five seasons of the Catholic liturgical calendar, along with Advent, Christmas, Easter, and Ordinary Time. It precedes Easter and is a solemn period centered on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. While Lent is often associated with the Catholic faith, many Christians–including Protestant and Orthodox–observe it. There is no better time to reconnect with or deepen one’s faith than Lent. During this time, we can draw closer to God as we prepare for the joyous celebration of Christ’s resurrection at Easter.

Where does Lent come from? Lent draws its inspiration from the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert. The Gospels tell us that after his baptism, Jesus fasted in the desert and then was tempted by the devil. He resisted these temptations and then went to Galilee to begin his public ministry.

Lenten sacrifices can be valuable if they help increase our reliance on Jesus and if the void we create by giving something up opens up space in our hearts for God to fill. As much as we consider something to abstain from during Lent, we ought to consider what we can commit to as well. What outside actions can we take to better ignite the flame of our faith within us?

In just little over a week, our students in tenth and eleventh grade will be confirmed by Bishop Persico at a special mass on Monday, March 6, at Beloved Disciple Church at 7:00 pm. A special thank you to Cindy Wilpula and Katlyn Gable for teaching our confirmation classes this year. While Confirmation classes will be done for the year (including ninth grade), the rest of our students will continue their formation.

Please note a change for our Faith Formation schedule. On Sunday, March 12, we will have At Home Faith Formation instead of a Family Day.

Please do your best to help us reach our Catholic Services Goals for this year. By now, you should have received a letter and response card from me asking for your support. Please prayerfully consider helping to whatever degree you are able. All gifts, no matter the size, count and will be greatly appreciated.

Here are a couple of thoughts for the week ahead. We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are. Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who do not give up.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – February 19, 2023

Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent this week. Our Mass Schedule for Ash Wednesday is 8am and 6pm. Lenten regulations and reminders about fasting and abstinence are in this weekend’s bulletin. A reminder that beginning this week Adoration will be on Fridays from 6-7pm with Stations and Benediction beginning at 7pm.

From left to right: Melanie, Joseph, and Greg

I am very excited to announce that we have a new Faith Formation Director. Mr. Greg Cummings has agreed and is now the Faith Formation Director for our parish. Officially, his work will begin with the fall semester, but he has already begun work to prepare for the fall.

Greg is a native of Grove City, where he currently lives with his wife Melanie and his son Joseph. He was raised as a Protestant, but entered the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass in 2013 where he was baptized, confirmed, and received his first Holy Communion. He has a B.A. in philosophy and English literature from Grove City College and is currently finishing his Master’s degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. In his free time, Greg enjoys reading, gardening, cooking, and spending time with his family. If you run into Greg, please make sure to thank him for his yes to God and to our parish. Please make him feel at home!

The Catholic Services Appeal Commitment Sunday is upon us. Along with funding all of the different departments and services that the Diocese of Erie is able to provide for us, any overages that we collect will be used in our parish to help continue our mission. This collection is essentially a tax that we must pay the diocese. Even if we do not meet our goal, we will still have to pay this sum of money. This year, any overages will be used to repair the window wells and the outdoor stairs in the Parish Office building. These window wells and stairs are collapsing and need immediate attention. I truly appreciate your continued support in our parish.

Here’s a few thoughts for your week: It takes the same amount of energy to worry as it does to be positive and faith filled. Use your energy to be faith filled and positive things will happen. Don’t stumble over something that is already behind you.         Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy