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Around the Parish – January 19

Around the Parish – January 19

Published on January 18, 2025

“Do whatever He tells you.”

These words from Mary in this weekend’s Gospel are not just for the servants at the wedding in Cana—they are for all of us. Mary’s instruction is a timeless call to trust in Jesus and to follow Him completely. What is He asking you to do in your life today? What step of faith might He be inviting you to take? Trust that His plans will always lead to something far greater than we can imagine.

Mass Intentions Needed

Our Mass intention calendar has many openings, particularly for daily Masses. Having a Mass offered for the repose of a loved one’s soul or for someone’s special intentions is a profound act of charity. There is no greater gift we can give than the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If you would like to schedule a Mass intention, please contact the parish office.

Return Old Palms

Starting this weekend, receptacles will be placed at the entrances of the church to collect old palms. These palms will be burned to make the ashes we will use on Ash Wednesday. Please return your old palms by Sunday, February 9, 2025.

24 Hours for the Lord

As we look ahead to Lent, our parish will host 24 Hours for the Lord, a special opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration, beginning Friday, March 21, 2025, after the 8:00 AM Mass and continuing until Saturday, March 22, 2025, concluding with a special 8:00 AM Mass.

We need at least two adorers for each hour to ensure the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone. Sign-ups will begin next weekend, January 25-26. Please be generous with your time—if you spend even one hour with Him, I am confident He will bless you abundantly in return.

Praise and Worship Adoration

Also on Friday, March 21, at 7:00 PM, we will host a special Praise and Worship Eucharistic Adoration. This experience will include music, moments of vocal praise, and quiet prayer. It is a powerful way to connect with God and deepen your relationship with Him.

Over the next few weeks, our bulletin will include reflections and materials about Eucharistic Adoration and its importance in our spiritual lives. I encourage you to take time to read and pray with these resources.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

Don’t close the book when negative things happen in your life; just turn the page and begin a new chapter. Remember, even your worst day has only 24 hours. When you choose to forgive, you heal and when you let go, you grow.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The Power and Tradition of Mass Intentions

The Mass is considered the greatest prayer of intercession in the Church. This is because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father, making present the Paschal Mystery of His death and resurrection. Traditionally, a Priest may be requested to offer a Mass for a specific intention, even if the requester cannot be physically present.

Offering Masses for the Deceased:

Having a Mass offered for a deceased person is an ancient and commendable practice. A Mass is offered to pray for the departed, that they may find peace in heaven. Since each Mass holds infinite value, requesting one or several Masses is of tremendous benefit to the person prayed for, as well as their family, who can take comfort in knowing that their intention is united with the prayers of the Church.

The Mass: Center of Christian Life:

Every Mass is a precious gift from God. It is the center of the Church’s life, known as “the source and summit of the Christian life,” because in the celebration of the Mass, we are brought back to Jesus’ Last Supper, the first Mass. We consciously recall the love of God poured out for us through the life, death, and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. At each Mass, all the intentions of God’s people, both living and deceased, are included. As Pope Paul VI noted in his motu proprio “Firma in Traditione,” the faithful, moved by an ecclesial and religious sense, join their own sacrifices to the Eucharistic sacrifice, participating more intensely and supporting the Church’s needs, especially its ministers.

Requesting a Mass Intention:

Anyone may request a Mass Intention for a living person, a deceased person, members of a family, or a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist, such as World Peace, Vocations, or Respect for Life. The Church allows only one intention per Mass.

Offering a Mass Stipend:

The normal stipend offering for a Mass is $10. However, a Mass Offering can be more or less than the suggested amount, depending on the financial position of the person requesting the Mass. Envelopes for Mass intention requests are available at the entrances of the church. These envelopes can be placed in the collection basket or returned to the parish office. The requester may also ask for a card to be sent to notify someone that a Mass Intention has been requested (one card per intention). Please note that the name of the person(s) requesting the Mass is not announced.

Around the Parish – January 19

Published on
January 18, 2025

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