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Tag: Trinity

Around the Parish – June 11, 2023

This weekend begins our 40 Hours of Eucharistic Adoration. In this weekend’s bulletin, there is a full schedule of events from Sunday, June 11 through Tuesday, June 13. There will be many visiting priests over the course of the next three days as this time of 40 Hours is an opportunity for the priests to take time to share in fraternity. Please help me welcome our priests and make them feel at home!

Thank you to all who have volunteered to spend time with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. At a minimum, there needs to be one person adoring Our Lord before the Eucharist in the monstrance the entire time that the Eucharist is exposed. The church asks that we try to have at least two people present when the Eucharist is exposed. This does not mean that only two people are permitted to be present at any given hour. Feel free to make a visit at any time throughout the times that the Eucharist is exposed!

We are getting closer and closer to having all our 300 Club tickets sold! At the time of submitting this bulletin, we have only 65 tickets remaining to sell! Please help us make the final stretch to sell all the tickets!

Our team for Vacation Bible School is beginning the process of making all the preparations for a successful and fun-filled week in July for our grade schoolers! What we need now is students to participate! The dates for VBS is July 17-21 from 5:30-8pm. We are trying an evening time slot this year so as to help our volunteers and parents participate. Registration is necessary, and can be done online on our website, or paper copies are available in the main vestibule under the pictures of the former pastors. Volunteers are still needed, so please contact Mrs. Oliver or the parish office ASAP! We have a planning meeting scheduled for THIS WEDNESDAY, June 14 at 6pm in the Conference Room. All volunteers are invited to come to help plan the big event!

A big congratulations to all of our graduates from our parish and beyond. We are so very proud of you and look forward to where your future leads. Always know that you have a home at Immaculate Heart!

Here’s a thought for your week: Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. It’s never too late to start again, and it’s never too early to make anew.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The IHM 300 Club will be a special 6 month raffle, and more information about this can be found in today’s bulletin, as well as on our website. Tickets will begin being sold after all the masses. Tickets can also always be purchased through the parish office.

Around the Parish – June 4, 2023

Today, we celebrate a Mystery of our Faith: the Holy Trinity. Part of the reason we consider this a mystery is the fact that, even if we begin to try to comprehend this idea, we fail in making comparisons. Today we celebrate the fact that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our God is Three in One. Simple mathematics tells us that 3 cannot equal 1, yet that is exactly what we are saying when we talk about the Trinity. The Catechism of the Catholic Church gives us an analogy wherein we can see the reasonableness of the Trinity by helping us to see the possibility of distinct persons who possess the same nature. CCC 2205 provides:

The Christian family is a communion of persons, a sign and image of the communion of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit.

CCC 2205

When we think of a family, we can see how a father, mother, and child can be distinct persons and yet possess the same nature (human), just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct persons who each possess the same nature (divine). The weakness, of course, is that in God each person possesses the one infinite and immutable divine nature, and is therefore, one being. Our analogous family consists of three beings. Again, no analogy is perfect.

Our team for Vacation Bible School is beginning the process of making all the preparations for a successful and fun-filled week in July for our grade schoolers! What we need now is students to participate! The dates for VBS is July 17-21 from 5:30-8pm. We are trying an evening time slot this year so as to help our volunteers and parents participate. Registration is necessary, and can be done online on our website, or paper copies are available in the main vestibule under the pictures of the former pastors. Volunteers are still needed, so please contact Mrs. Oliver or the parish office ASAP!

Next week is Corpus Christi Sunday, and the beginning of our Forty Hours celebration, as well as the deanery Eucharistic Procession. We are still in need of volunteers to sign up for adoration slots as of writing this bulletin column. We need at least two adorers each hour during the times that the Eucharist is exposed each day. If you are able to take an hour, sign up sheets are taped to the window in the main vestibule.

Last weekend at all the masses, I announced the work that needs to be completed on the rectory garage roof. The roof over the second floor and living room was replaced within the past 15-20 years, and is in fair condition. The garage roof, on the other hand, is original to the building from 1955. The current rubber has deteriorated so much that it is not doing its job. The estimated cost of the roof repair and replacement is between $26,000 and $30,000. Any help that you might be able to offer vis-a-vi donations or prayers would be greatly appreciated!

Here’s a thought for your week: Say something positive, and you’ll see something positive. Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

The IHM 300 Club will be a special 6 month raffle, and more information about this can be found in today’s bulletin, as well as on our website. Tickets will begin being sold after all the masses. Tickets can also always be purchased through the parish office.