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Tag: Trees

Around the Parish – August 20, 2023

Our Faith Formation Schedule for this school year is in this weekend’s bulletin. This schedule is also available on our parish website. If any changes need to be made, we will make sure to send those updates home as well as change the website, post on social media, and try to update the bulletin. The bulletin due date is on Tuesday by 3pm, so if a change comes up after Tuesday end of day, we will not be able to make changes in the up-coming weekend’s bulletin.

With the approaching school year, please be aware that our Sunday Mass schedule will change. Starting the first Sunday of September, our Sunday morning Masses will return to 8 am and 11 am. We kindly ask for your help in spreading the word about this change.

This past week, we changed some light bulbs and fixed some light fixtures. You might need to bring some sunscreen! The church is so much brighter, and now it is easier to see. Thanks to Mr. Mike Shomin for all his work on our campus updating all the electric and making necessary upgrades!

Although no one wants to think about it, winter is just around the corner…not one of my favorite thoughts…BUT, with winter coming, we are in need of some help with the white stuff that comes with winter. We are in need of someone to shovel the sidewalks of church. If you are able and willing to assist us with this task, please contact the parish office as soon as possible!

On the organ, there are slips of paper in a basket. If there is a particular hymn or song that you might like Mr. Sankey to play before mass, feel free to fill out the form and leave it on the organ.

A heads up, Saint Anthony’s Rummage Sale is soon. Please help our neighbors in Farrell and let others know about their fundraiser:

Wed., Aug. 30 / 2pm to 5pm

Thurs., Aug. 31 / 9am to 2pm

Fri., Sept. 1 / 9am to 2pm

Sat., Sept. 2 / 9am to Noon

Here are a couple of thoughts for the week ahead: One day, if not already, your refusal to give up will inspire someone else. Faith and hope are two of the most powerful emotions a person can have. Combine them with determination and there’s no stopping you. In any given moment, we have two choices: to step forward into growth, or step backwards into safety. Stepping backwards may make us feel better in the short term, but stepping forwards will undoubtedly make us feel better in the long term.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Around the Parish – August 12, 2023

A quick reminder that Tuesday, August 15, is a Holy Day of Obligation celebrating the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mass will be held on both Monday, August 14, at 6pm, and Tuesday, August 15, at 8 am. Your presence at these special Masses is truly valued as we come together in faith and unity.

For families with children in Faith Formation, registration forms were mailed out recently. You can also find blank forms at the entrances of the Church and on our website. The deadline for returning the forms is Wednesday, August 16. While there is no cost for families to participate, any donations to support necessary materials are greatly appreciated.

With the approaching school year, please be aware that our Mass schedule will change. Starting the first Sunday of September, our Sunday morning Masses will return to 8 am and 11 am. We kindly ask for your help in spreading the word about this change.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Knights of Columbus for installing the new flagpole in front of the rectory. Additionally, an anonymous donor generously donated and coordinated the planting of three trees, enhancing the beauty of our church campus. Your contributions uplift our parish in meaningful ways.

We’re pleased to report that the rectory garage roof repairs are progressing well. Though the damage wasn’t as extensive as anticipated, a few minor repairs remain. We’re awaiting the final cost for these repairs. We sincerely thank everyone who has contributed with prayers and financial support, showing your dedication to maintaining our beloved parish.

Over the past several months, we have collected a bunch of orphaned umbrellas at the entrances of Church. If you think you may have abandoned an umbrella, feel free to look at the collection in the sacristy. I am always looking for a good umbrella, but I don’t think I need 20 all for myself!

Here are a couple of thoughts for the week ahead. With faith and God’s grace, let’s transform our set backs into bounce backs. Do not give the past the power to define your future. Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness yet become something beautiful again. Be proud of who you are, instead of ashamed of how someone else sees you.

        Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy

Registration forms for the 2023-24 school year have been mailed out this past week. We ask that you please return the completed forms to the parish office by Wednesday, August 16 so that we can purchase necessary materials. We are grateful for all our returning teachers, as well as a few new additions!

Continuing this year will be our monthly Family Day where we will have presentations and topics presented to the whole parish family. Classroom sessions are scheduled in-between the Sunday masses from 9:15am — 10:45am. Our schedule is available on our website and was mailed out to families with the registration form.

A reminder that Confirmation is being changed from Junior Year to Freshman Year. With this change, last year our Junior and Sophomore classes were confirmed. This year, our Freshman and Sophomore classes will be confirmed. All students in Ninth and Tenth Grade who wish to be confirmed must register and participate in all classes preceding our Confirmation Ceremony. Confirmation Ceremony is currently scheduled for our parish on Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Saint Michael Church.

Any questions can be directed to Mr. Greg Cummings, Director of Faith Formation for Immaculate Heart at or calling the Parish Office.