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Tag: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

Around the Parish – March 17, 2024

This past Sunday, March 10, I had the opportunity to see the movie “Cabrini.” While I found the movie as a wonderful image of a woman who was strong in her convictions, and I found the movie an inspiring story, I only have one critique, and it may be a large one. This opinion that I have on the movie is one that is shared by numerous Catholics, and it is the fact that there was very little mentioned in the movie about Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini’s conviction to the Catholic Faith. Anyone that reads any of her own writings, or any of the biographies on this spectacular saint show that she was a woman of deep faith. Her conviction to the Holy Eucharist and to the life in the Church is what kept her focused on her good works. Her good works, in and of themselves, are not what makes this holy woman so important in the life of the church and the life of our nation. Her conviction to Jesus Christ, to sharing His Good News with the world is what was her driving force.

With all of this said, I still encourage everyone to take an opportunity to see this movie. Saint Cabrini was a woman with great conviction to service, perseverance, and education. Most importantly, she is a woman of faith. May this great saint continue to intercede for our church and for all of our needs. (As a side note, there is a relic of Saint Cabrini in our church next to the tabernacle.) Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, pray for us!

With this image of so great a woman and Saint in the forefront of our mind, I am excited to announce the newest outreach ministry available in our church. We are a people of life, and as a people of life, we must support all in need. In our community, there is a great need for assistance of mothers. In our parish, we will be working in a new way with all mothers in need through a program started by the Sisters of Life and the USCCB called “Walking with Moms in Need.” Mrs. Barb Dumais has stepped up in our parish community, as well as our deanery, to lead this wonderful outreach ministry. Barb will be speaking at the end of the masses this weekend to introduce herself in her new capacity as the Director of Outreach Ministry and invite all interested in helping in this new ministry to an organizational meeting. Our first meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday, March 20 at 7pm in the parish conference room. Please email or call Barb to let her know if you are interested and/or if you are able to attend our meeting.

Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:

The best apology is a changed behavior. Sometimes, we create our own heartache due to unrealistic expectations. The best lesson we can learn regarding relationships is this: don’t expect others to act or react as you would. You are not them and they are not you.

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy