Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! ¡Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noël! Frohe Weihnachten! Wesołych Świąt! Buon Natale! חג מולד שמח! (Chag Molad Sameach!) As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the King, let us joyfully spread the good news, echoing the words of the angels who heralded His arrival. May the spirit of Christmas fill our hearts with love, peace, and gratitude.
In our parish, we are not just a community; we are a family of believers, and each one of us matters deeply to this family. Together, we share the warmth of God’s love and the joy of this festive season. Whenever we are separated, we find it difficult to move on. Let us pray that we might come together again soon to give thanks to Almighty God for the blessings He has bestowed upon us.
I want to draw your attention to the two Christmas trees in our church adorned with ornaments, each bearing the last name of a family in our parish. These ornaments serve as a visual reminder of our shared journey and unity in prayer. Let us continue to lift one another up in prayer throughout the Christmas season.

While the secular celebration of Christmas may be drawing to a close, our spiritual celebration is just beginning. I encourage everyone to keep the Christmas spirit alive until at least the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord on January 8, 2024. For some of us, the celebration extends all the way to Candlemas on February 2.
Candlemas holds significance as it commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the temple and the purification of Mary. This special day serves as a symbol of the enduring light of Christ that illuminates our lives, dispelling darkness and guiding us forward. Let the observance of Candlemas remind us of the sustaining light that accompanies us on our spiritual journey, leading us with hope and faith.
As we enter the remainder of this Christmas season, my prayer for each one of you is to find peace and joy in abundance. May the Light of Christ shine brightly in your lives, guiding you as we embark on the next phase of our journey together. May 2024 be a year of prosperity and peace for you and your loved ones.
Pax et Bonum,
Fr. Andrew M. Boyd