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Tag: Divine Mercy Chaplet

Around the Parish – April 7, 2024

Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. In celebration of this special conclusion of the Octave of Easter, we will have Adoration and the Sung Chaplet of Divine Mercy from 2:30pm until 3:30pm. I encourage everyone to join us during this special Holy Hour of prayer. Divine Mercy Sunday, established by Pope St. John Paul II in 2000, honors the devotion to God’s boundless mercy as revealed to Saint Faustina. The praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet plays a central role, emphasizing repentance and trust in God’s mercy for all humanity.

There will be no daily masses this week, as I will be away all week. There will be mass at Beloved Disciple and St. Columbkille, so I encourage everyone to join their churches for mass this week for Daily Mass.

On this Monday, April 15, (this is listed differently in the paper bulletin. April 15 is the correct date) there will be a Blooms and Bargains Bazaar Meeting at 6pm in the Parish Conference Room. Anyone that is able and interested in helping is asked to attend this meeting.

On Tuesday, April 16 at 6:30pm, we will have our next VBS planning meeting. All who are interested in helping with our VBS in July are asked to attend.

On Saturday, April 27, we will have a parish spring cleanup day. Many hands will make light work, so any help that you might be able to give on that day will be greatly appreciated. We will begin at 9:00 am and spend the morning around the parish campus to clean up our grounds.

In just about a month on Sunday, May 5, our Sunday Mass schedule is set to return to 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Don’t forget, and share with our family that join us for the summer months.

On Saturday, May 4, we have our Blooms and Bargains Bazaar. All donations can be dropped off at Gallagher Hall, but please contact the parish office to schedule a drop off time. The parish is unable to provide pickup of items.

Here is a thought for the week ahead:

The secret to happiness is also the secret to a long and fulfilling life: Let every situation be what it is, instead of what you think it should be, and then make the best of it. Let God’s Grace empower you to grow through the difficulties you go through.  

Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy