Around the Parish – October 29, 2023
Normally we have adoration in our parish on First Friday, but due to another commitment in the Diocese, I am unable to hold this holy hour this month. We will resume our monthly holy hour on Friday, December 1.
A blast was had at the corn maze last Sunday. Pictures of the fun can be seen in our bulletin this weekend.
A reminder that this Wednesday is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses for All Saints Day will be at 8:00am and 6:00pm. Please make sure you attend mass for this Holy Day.
On Thursday, we celebrate All Souls Day. On this special day we remember and pray for all the deceased. This special day is reserved for all the holy souls in purgatory as they are made clean before they enter into the joys of Heaven. Our masses for All Souls Day will be at 8:00am and 6:00pm. At 6:00pm, we will in a special way pray for the deceased from this past year. Please join us in praying for our beloved dead.
Next Sunday, daylight savings time ends, so the clocks fall back one hour on Sunday November 5 at 2:00 am. Make sure that you note the time change or else you might make it to mass an hour early!
I want to take the opportunity to really encourage our parish community, especially our high school age students and our young adults to consider participating in the Divine Mercy Encounter retreat on November 10-12. This retreat was and is an important part of my spiritual journey and one that is worth spending the weekend at. All ages 15 and up are invited and encouraged to attend. It is a wonderful weekend to experience the love of God and have a time to socialize with other people in the faith. At this moment of crazy in the world and in our lives, I think now is the perfect moment to step away and take some time with God to reconnect to what is most important. Join me this special weekend away at Saint Joseph Church in Erie. More information is found in this weekend’s bulletin.
Here’s a couple of thoughts for your week: Don’t stop because you are tired; stop when you can be proud of your accomplishments. Cherish yesterday, plan for tomorrow, but live in today. The road to success is always under construction.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy