Around the Parish – April 14, 2024

I want to express my most sincere gratitude for everyone who has booth pledged and supported the Catholic Services Appeal. As you know, our parish assessment for this year is $49,845. This tithe from our parish to the diocese permits the Churches of Erie Diocese to continue to fulfill the Lord’s Command: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.” (Mt 28:19) Every dollar collected over our assessment will remain in our parish. The monies that will remain in our parish will be used to repair the deteriorating window wells of the basement at the Office Building. Please do prayerfully consider supporting this obligation.
On this Monday, April 15 at 6:00pm, there will be a Blooms and Bargains Bazaar Meeting in the Parish Conference Room. Anyone that is able and interested in helping is asked to attend this meeting.
On this Tuesday, April 16 at 6:30pm, we will have our next VBS planning meeting. All who are interested in helping with our VBS in July are asked to attend.

Next Sunday, April 21, the Mercer Knights of Columbus will be hosting their Pancake Breakfast in Gallagher Hall from after the 8:00am mass until 1:00pm. Please come and enjoy a wonderful breakfast. All proceeds benefit our parish. I thank my brother knights for their continued support of our parish.
On Saturday, April 27, we will have a parish spring cleanup day. Many hands will make light work, so any help that you might be able to give on that day will be greatly appreciated. We will begin at 9:00 am and spend the morning around the parish campus to clean up our grounds.
On Saturday, May 4, we have our Blooms and Bargains Bazaar. All donations can be dropped off at Gallagher Hall, but please contact the parish office to schedule a drop off time. The parish is unable to provide pickup of items.
In just four weeks on Sunday, May 5, our Sunday Mass schedule is set to return to 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Don’t forget, and share with our family that join us for the summer months.
Here are a few thoughts for the week ahead:
Your day will generally go the way the corners of your mouth turn. Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears. The rosary is a chain that links heaven and earth. One end of it is in your hand; the other in the hand of our Blessed Mother.
Pax et Bonum, Fr. Andy